I’m Taking a Break from Fan-Fiction After This: Books 7, 8, 9 and 10

Azia Archer
5 min readMar 25, 2024


It has been nearly a month since I shared an update on my recent reads (the last update was on February 26th to be exact!), and that’s because I was sucked into a vortex of Dramione fanfics (4 full length, and one that is still being written) to be exact. I’m not going to go as in depth in my reviews for these fics as I did for Manacled because these tales aren’t on the rewrites-to-traditional-publishing-pipeline that Manacled is on. But I am excited to share them because, for the most part, I loved them and it’s been such a treat to allow myself to read what I want in this fandom and let it bring me all the pleasure. Though, after this, there will be writing on other books and genres, yes, but on other topics all together. This will be the last fan-fic based article I write for a few months! Last night, at just before midnight, I completed a 588k-word count fic and I told myself No more fanfics until you read through the rest of your to-read piles on your nightstand and desk!

Book 7: Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare

Summary: Hermione straddles the Muggle and Magical worlds as a medical researcher and Healer about to make a big discovery. Draco is an Auror assigned to protect her from forces unknown — to both of their displeasure. Features hyper-competent, fiery Hermione and lazy, yet dangerous, Draco. Slow burn.

Word Count: 199,548

This is a (mostly) light-hearted love story full of humor, Magdalene-magic and adventure with a kismet pairing. I don’t remember the exact timeline but I’d say it’s at least 10 years since The Battle of Hogwarts. They are all fully-grown. The trio and all the supporting characters are also great. I really, really enjoyed this, albeit Draco being a bit bro-ish at times. It did not feel like a 199k word story. I flew through it.

Book 8: All You Want by Senlinyu

Summary: Eighth Year at Hogwarts was supposed to be Hermione’s. And it is, just not in the way she expects. Omegaverse fic.

Word Count: 172,650

Like the summary suggests, Hermione and many of our favs have returned to Hogwarts after the war to finish school. But, this isn't a Hogwarts fic. A wizarding concept of “Alpha” and “Omega” is introduced not only to the reader, but Hermione as well. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to read this. This story is 95% smut. Not my typical read but I couldn’t put it down. If you read it, you’ll understand what I mean. Ha.

Book 9: Breath Mints and Battle Scars by onyx_and_elm

Summary: Set in the aftermath of the war against Voldemort, many of the main characters return to Hogwarts to finish their final year. While Harry, Ron, and other Order members seem to be adjusting fairly well, Hermione struggles to move past the trauma and horror. She’s been through too much, seen too much, done too much to fall back into a routine. Everything feels wrong, but no one else seems to feel this way, except him: Draco Malfoy. What do you do when you should hate someone, but they’re the only one who understands what it’s like to hate yourself?

Word Count: 148,908

Written from Hermione’s POV and diary entries from Draco, this fic was full of PTSD and teenage angst. Hermione drove me crazy. Draco is even worse than canon-Draco but I also don’t feel it’s appropriate to say negative things about fanfic because they’re for FUN. But I did not have any fun reading this. I will say, this fic has a cult-like following and a lot of people love it. The toxic-relationship dynamic just wasn’t my cup of tea. Also note: this fic is no longer available online, as onyx_and_elm recently took their work down in response to a growing trend of bookbinders illegally binding and selling these works online. But there are still pdf’s and epubs swimming around.

Book 10: Measure of a Man by inadaze22

Summary: To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they’re capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.

Word Count: 588,659

That’s right: five hundred, eighty-eight thousand, six-hundred and fifty-nine words. This story is an epic slow burn. Following canon but veering after the end of the war, this fic felt so very true to the characters HP fans came to know and love with a redemption arc of a handful of characters: I am obsessed. It took me a little over a week to complete and I will say, I could see folks who have trouble focusing unless a ton of action is taking place not enjoying this. But, UGH. So good. I will be binding this, albeit into a few different volumes because it is HUGE, to keep in my personal collection. The Love story, the character development of everyone: trio included and so many others.. and then the kids! READ THIS. I loved it so much. I’m sad it’s over.

I also did start Senlinyu’s current WIP: Let the Dark In but I’m not counting it towards my reading goal, as it’s not complete. (Even though it’s already at 180,107 words!)

That puts me at… 1,289,872 words of fanfiction in a little less than a month.

So, as I stated earlier, I’m going to take a break to tackle a few other books I’ve been waiting to read. But, wow, that was quite the journey!



Azia Archer

Azia Archer is a writer living in Minnesota. She is the author of the "Atoms and Evers" (dancinggirlpress, 2017) and is currently working on her first novel.