Persian Love

a poem.

Azita Sadri
1 min readOct 1, 2023

You say you want Persian love but not its poetry.

Not the way it’ll make you shake or regret your mistakes.

Not Hafez, not Rumi.

No — but there is no Persian love without its poetry.

See, I will feed you love cake while you ask why its not sweet like the moments you lay beside me.

Well, I think, it’s because it tastes subtle like love when it burns slowly.

And in my Persian love,

you will start the shisha while I serve you chai on gold plates

and we will taarof our love as strong as Abadan’s sun

and until words become the only love we make.

You will be so wrapped up in Persian love that these metaphors will turn into the sweetness of my tongue on your soul and then you’ll — have nothing left to say.

So let me whisper sweet nothings into prose and let me speak to you sweetly because if you want to melt in me,

you must know that there is no Persian love without poetry.



Azita Sadri

Here sharing my poetry, reflections and life as a woman in her late 20s. Hope you enjoy the words and stay for the reflection.