Abdul Aziz Syed
3 min readJul 5, 2023


Health is a divine blessing :

Good health is a divine blessing. If we pay attention towards our daily activities and maintain our physical activities as per the set pattern of present medical science then we usually get the benefits of our extra cautionary measures and stay fully charged to perform our daily tasks with full energy. In fact our inner power gets energized through our creative and timely actions and it allows us to stay firm and take every step with full confidence. Our eagerness to stay happy and healthy support us a lot to explore new ideas to maintain our health and always avail the best possible medical facilities to keep oneself physically fit. It is a fact that our health plays an important role in developing our personality features among the people. If we are healthy and take part in all the social events then we get the public recognition and tie up close relations with others in a better way. On the other hand if we are not healthy and stay away from public gathering then we usually lose the opportunities to become an active part of the society and get some sort of public acknowledgement. Indeed it brings negative response and we become isolated just because of our sluggish attitude. Although our good health has nothing to do with our moral character, however it causes negative impact as we lose the social connections just because of our limited interaction and passive behavior. In order to maintain good reputation among the family and friends to get the good social response, we must need to pay attention towards our ailments and seek medical support to get well soon. If we take good care of our health and remain healthy and active then our social circle expands as we meet and greet more and more people and find it possible to build our credibility among the people. Indeed certain ailments are much critical and one has to pass through undefined chronic pain, causing mental and physical disturbance, so we need to get the right treatment at the right time so as to come out of the traumatic situation soon. If we delay or do not get the essential medical assistance soon then we face much hardship in terms of performing social activities. We become practically bedridden and lose the social connectivity. If we have loved ones and they pay attention towards or illness, look after our needs and support us morally then we get a sigh of relief and get fast recovery; contrary our position become worst when we become dependent on some external sources which we hire to look after our daily needs. Although these caregivers are good enough to provide necessary support in the period of illness as they are the real professionals but still one can feel the difference of services between a family member and such a care giving person. When we become dependent on others just because we lack self-power and usually begin to rely on others then we opt to get the best medical support and personal care so as to get fast recovery and become healthy soon.

