Tips and tricks to be an effective android developer — part 2 of 3

Azizbek Rasulmetov
3 min readDec 28, 2023


This is the second series of the article, in the first article I shared some tips with Android Studio configuration settings that can boost your performance, if you haven’t read the first part, I recommend you to give it a read.

In the second part of the article, I will be sharing with you some useful android studio plugins that are handy and will boost your development by saving your time and typing :-).

Let’s go!!!

1.Android Drawable Preview

Android Drawable Preview

Render drawable instead of default icon. Supports binary and vector images

2. JSON to Kotlin Class

JSON to Kotlin Class

This plugin saves your hands from typing boilerplate code. Plugin for Kotlin to convert Json String into Kotlin data class code quickly. Can be easily customized to suit your need. Really handy plugin!!!

3. ADB Idea

ADB Idea

Adds about 10+ ADB commands to Android Studio and Intellij. I mostly use the following commands

  • ADB Uninstall App
  • ADB Kill App
  • ADB Start App
  • ADB Restart App
  • ADB Clear App Data

4. Gradle Killer

Gradle Killer

This plugin can close the Gradle process instantaneously with one click (CTRL + ALT +K), avoiding the tedious operation of closing process through the task manager

5. Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Very simple plugin to generate Lorem Ipsum placeholder text.

6. Code Glance Pro

Code Glance Pro

When working on a large codebase with 1000+ stroke codes in a single file, this is really all you need. The minimap allows for quick scrolling and preview the code, letting you jump straight to sections of code. Sadly, it does not have a marking feature like in XCode, at least I could not find it.

7. String Manipulation

String Manipulation

This plugins helps with case switching, sorting, filtering, incrementing, aligning to columns, grepping, escaping, encoding…

That’s it for the 2nd part of the article series.

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