Mastering Next.js 14: A Comprehensive Tutorial for Web Developers

Aziz Bergach
5 min readDec 19, 2023


Next.js 14, the most recent iteration of the acclaimed React framework, emerges as a revolutionary advancement, aiming to refine the developer encounter and augment the efficiency of web applications. Marking a milestone, this release unveils an array of innovative features and enhancements, solidifying its status as the most substantial update in the history of Next.js.

Principally tailored for constructing server-side rendered and static web applications, Next.js 14 offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities encompassing pre-rendering, server-side rendering, static site generation, and beyond. These attributes position it as the preferred choice for developers engaged in crafting high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications.

Eloquent Example of a Simple Next.js Component

function HomePage() {

return <div>Welcome to Next.js!</div>


export default HomePage

Revolutionary Advancement: Turbocharged Next.js Compiler

A pivotal enhancement in Next.js 14 lies in its turbocharged compiler. The diligent efforts of the Next.js team manifest in a Rust-based compiler that is poised to achieve stabilization imminently. The commitment to accelerating local server startup and expediting code updates underscores the significance of this development.

Empowering Developers: Forms and Mutations in Next.js 14

Introducing a streamlined approach to managing forms and mutations, Next.js 14 breaks away from the conventional method where developers were compelled to manually create API routes for handling form submissions. Enter Server Actions, empowering developers to articulate functions executed securely on the server and directly callable from React components.

async function create(formData: FormData) {

'use server';

const id = await createItem(formData);


Facilitating Developer Interaction: Server Actions Unveiled

A novel inclusion in Next.js 14, Server Actions serves to simplify the intricate process of crafting data mutations. By enabling developers to define functions executed securely on the server, directly callable from React components, this feature harmonizes with fundamental web concepts, such as forms and the FormData Web API, thus resonating with those accustomed to server-centric frameworks.

<form action={create}>

<input type="text" name="name" />

<button type="submit">Submit</button>


Seamless Integration: Server Actions in App Router Model

The pervasive integration of Server Actions into the App Router model augments the capabilities offered. From revalidating cached data to redirecting routes, setting and reading cookies, and handling optimistic UI updates, this comprehensive integration streamlines development workflows and elevates the overall performance of web applications.


Teaser of Technological Advancement: Partial Prerendering in Next.js 14

Previewing the technological frontier, Next.js 14 unveils Partial Prerendering, an optimization within the compiler targeting dynamic content, ensuring a swift initial static response. Rooted in a decade of research spanning server-side rendering (SSR), static-site generation (SSG), and incremental static revalidation (ISR), this feature beckons a paradigm shift.

export default function Page() {

return (



<h1>My Store</h1>

<Suspense fallback={<CartSkeleton />}>

<ShoppingCart />



<Banner />

<Suspense fallback={<ProductListSkeleton />}>

<Recommendations />


<NewProducts />




Unveiling the Vision: Motivation Behind Partial Prerendering

The rationale behind embracing Partial Prerendering lies in simplifying the existing model without burdening developers with the learning curve of new APIs. It aspires to deliver the speed and reliability of static rendering while accommodating fully dynamic, personalized responses, all without necessitating the acquisition of new knowledge.

<Suspense fallback={<ProductListSkeleton />}>

<Recommendations />


Innovation in Suspension: Partial Prerendering Anchored in React Suspense

The underpinnings of Partial Prerendering within Next.js 14 rest upon the innovative framework of React Suspense. Its mechanism involves crafting a static shell based on Suspense boundaries, with the prerendered fallback from React Suspense paving the way for dynamic components to seamlessly integrate upon request.

<Suspense fallback={<CartSkeleton />}>

<ShoppingCart />


Operational Mechanics: How Partial Prerendering Unfolds

The execution of Partial Prerendering entails an instantaneous serving of a static HTML shell upon request. Forging this shell from predefined boundaries and the prerendered React Suspense fallback, dynamic components, encompassing tasks like reading cookies or displaying personalized banners, are seamlessly streamed in tandem with the static shell. This innovative approach obviates the need for extraneous network round trips.



<h1>My Store</h1>

<div class="cart-skeleton">

<!-- Hole -->



<div class="banner" />

<div class="product-list-skeleton">

<!-- Hole -->


<section class="new-products" />


Anticipating Evolution: Future Trajectory of Partial Prerendering

As a work in active progress, the evolution of Partial Prerendering unfolds with a promise of continual updates and refinements in forthcoming minor releases of Next.js. The overarching objective is to augment the developer experience and elevate the performance benchmark of web applications.

console.log('Stay tuned for more updates on Partial Prerendering');

Metadata Refinement: Unveiling Enhancements in Next.js 14

In the realm of metadata, Next.js 14 introduces pivotal refinements to enrich the user experience. By preventing flickering caused by alterations in theme color or layout shifts stemming from viewport changes, these enhancements ensure that only select metadata options block, permitting non-blocking metadata to coexist seamlessly with a partially prerendered page.

const metadata = {

viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1',

generateViewport: true


Unshackling Metadata: Decoupling Blocking and Non-Blocking Attributes

A paradigm shift in Next.js 14 is the decoupling of blocking and non-blocking metadata. The non-blocking variant ensures that alterations in metadata do not impede a partially prerendered page, mitigating flickering and layout shifts. This departure enhances the user experience by minimizing disruptions arising from metadata modifications.

const metadata = {

nonBlocking: true


Emergence of Novel Options: Metadata Landscape in Next.js 14

The introduction of novel metadata options in Next.js 14 prompts a transition from deprecated choices. Notably, viewport and generateViewport emerge as new additions, while existing metadata options remain intact. Developers are encouraged to embrace these contemporary APIs, with legacy options continuing to function until their eventual removal in a future major version.

const metadata = {

viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'


Culmination: Next.js 14 Unveils a Technological Panorama

In summation, the advent of Next.js 14 heralds a plethora of features and refinements that redefine the developer landscape and amplify the performance trajectory of web applications. From the prowess of Server Actions to the foresight of Partial Prerendering and the nuanced handling of metadata, Next.js 14 stands as an indispensable asset for front-end web developers.



Aziz Bergach

As a software engineer, I am a skilled professional web developer, I can designs, develops, and maintains software applications.