The concept of Psychology “Tepa Sarira” Ki Ageng Suryomentaram

Arief Azizy
2 min readNov 9, 2022


Ki Ageng Suryomentaram.

Humanistic Rogers assumes that humans are open to their own experiences, humans base their actions on the reality of the field of phenomena they live in, and humans believe in their own experiences. The basis of these assumptions, of course, is the recognition that humans are the same.

Rogers’ assumption about humans is not much different from the “kawruh jiwa” of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram which states that in order to understand and feel other people it is necessary to ngraos, ngertos, and weruh. In this case, kramadangsa needs to research its own taste, look for its own taste and look for a taste similar to the taste of others in its own taste.

This “tepa sarira” from Ki Ageng Suryomentaram is based on the belief that human feelings throughout the universe are the same. This assumption Rogers’ opinion about circular communication that occurs when a person talks to another person, has actually become a good listener of his own conversation. This means that talking to others means also talking to himself. Listening is not only important to understand others, but it is also important to understand oneself.

The ability to reflect on others is possible if one is able to put oneself in the position of others. This ability is trained in gatherings “junggringan” the students of “kawruh jiwa” Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s teachings which are often referred to as “jawah kawruh” or “ngudari reribet” as the search for the same meeting point, which observers refer to as psychotherapy.

