Chat GPT And Other Useful Ai Programs To Know

3 min readFeb 9, 2023


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

AI programs have taken the internet by storm. AI programs have been around for a while now. We know Alexa and Siri. Recently, new Ai programs have been introduced that are making waves because they have the potential to rapidly transform many industries as we know them. The new AI’s also provide opportunities for advancement like never before. The 3 program’s being explained here are Chat GPT, DALL-E 2, and ElevenLabs.

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Chat GPT is just the beginning. Chat GPT is a conversational chatbot that responds like a human. The website describes it the following way:

We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.”

What difference does Chat GPT make? It opens up a new world of possibilities in different industries. ChatGPT can allow companies to train chatbots with specialized industry knowledge to make for an even better customer experience. It has the potential of saving everyone involved a lot of time. Ranging from making it easier for customers to find solutions to revolutionizing how people search for and acquire information.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

ElevenLabs is not yet as well known as Chat GPT. However, it has the capability to be just as transformative. Maybe more. ElevenLabs website gives the following description of its AI program:

“ The most realistic and versatile AI speech software, ever. Eleven brings the most compelling, rich and lifelike voices to creators and publishers seeking the ultimate tools for storytelling. — — Generate top-quality spoken audio in any voice and style with the most advanced and multipurpose AI speech tool out there. Our deep learning model renders human intonation and inflections with unprecedented fidelity and adjusts delivery based on context.”

ElevenLabs is currently preparing to transform industries with its speech AI program in more ways than one. Podcasting is an industry of emerging popularity that could be affected. In the age of the internet, the economy is becoming a globalized one. People are reaching more people than ever before. The Elevenlabs speech AI program can give podcasters the ability to easily translate their work and produce it in multiple languages. Even better, it allows them to translate the work in their voice. Providing the opportunity to make the podcasts more accessible for people around the world.

Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

DALL-E 2 is an art based AI program. The DALLE 2 website says that it generates realistic images and art based off a description using natural language. What used to cost money to commission an artist or take artists hours to complete can now be done in a simple couple of clicks. DALLE 2 can create distinctly specific pieces that allow people (artist or not) the ability to create practically anything they can think of.

I almost forgot to mention all of these are free to use! They all offer paid plans if you want extra features to really test the programs’ capabilities. Tell me what your thoughts about AI are in the comments. Did you like this article ? Leave a clap below or share with someone you think should know about these awesome AI programs. Thank you for reading!

