What to eat on an empty stomach in the morning, and whatnot

Sultana Azmari Mita
6 min readSep 25, 2020


Many of us have no idea what to eat or not to eat on an empty stomach in the morning. As a result, the body’s normal well-being and immunity are not increased.

Everyone wakes up in the morning normally and feels hungry. Most people eat what they get in front of them without judging anything, that can cause damage. so it is not right for the body.

Do we know, what food can give a good result for our body in an empty stomach and will be healthy? Studies have shown that eating certain foods on an empty stomach is harmful, while some foods are very good for the body. So everyone should have the right idea about this.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova

So let’s find out,

Foods to eat on an empty stomach


Drink 1 or 2 glasses of pure water every morning after waking up. There are many benefits to drinking water on an empty stomach.

  • Increases digestion
  • Contaminants are excreted from the blood
  • Reduces acidity
  • Clears the throat
  • No nausea
  • Helps to overcome menstrual problems
  • Relieves dehydration, kidney problems, and headaches
  • Creates new muscles and cells

So it is important to must drink water after wake up in the morning.


Soaked Almond

You can eat 10 to 12 or a handful of soaked almonds on an empty stomach every morning. It has many wonderful benefits that will keep your body healthy and strong throughout the day. The almond is rich in, vitamins and minerals. Soaking in water increases its nutritional value.

  • It reduces the weakness of the body
  • Increases sexual energy.

So soak the nuts in water the night before so you can get up in the morning and eat.


Soaked raw gram

Soaked raw gram is a food rich in high-level protein and vitamins. According to expert nutritionists.

  • Raw gram increases body strength
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces blood fats
  • Increases appetite and helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

Soaked Raisins water

The best food to eat on an empty stomach in the morning is 10/15 soaked raisins water. Many people may not know that raisins are a portion of healthy food. Studies have shown that drinking soaked water initiates biochemical processes in the body.

  • Causing the blood to begin to be purified
  • Raisin water helps keep the liver clean
  • It plays a special role in gaining weight
  • Eliminating the weakness of the body
  • And preventing various other diseases

Get proper and adequate benefits, try to eat in 3 days or 1 day in a week.



There are many benefits to eating honey every morning. Sadly, it is true that we do not eat honey regularly, and many do not even know when they have eaten it. But natural and pure honey plays a significant role in preventing various diseases and keeping the body healthy. Eating a spoonful of honey every morning does not cause cold, phlegm, or cough. Drinking a teaspoon of honey mixed in a glass of water can get rid of many diseases, especially in the stomach free from acidity.

On an empty stomach in the morning, a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice mixed causes weight loss, and the liver is clean. And helps to increase the efficiency of the brain. Good results are obtained by playing every day in winter.



Dates can be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. More or less everyone has some idea about the nutritional value of dates. It contains a lot of soluble fiber and fiber which relieves constipation. Simplifies digestion, strengthens bones, and helps increase heart rate. Maintains the balance of sodium and potassium in the body. Try to eat 2/3 good dates regularly.



Watermelon can be eaten on an empty stomach. It contains vitamins A and C. Although it is low in calories, its other ingredients are very beneficial to the body. Watermelon keeps the blood clean, maintains the normal functioning of the blood. Also able to do more different types of work. So you can eat watermelon on an empty stomach in the morning if you want.

Foods that should not be eaten on an empty stomach


Tea or coffee

When we wake up in the morning, we drink tea or coffee, which is harmful enough for the body. Tea/coffee relieves body fatigue, increases efficiency, but it can not be eaten on an empty stomach. Remember, not eating the right foods at the right time can do more harm than good. Drinking tea and coffee on an empty stomach can cause many problems.

For example, drinking tea on an empty stomach causes a decrease in serotonin in the body, which can lead to a bad mood throughout the day. It causes inflammation in the chest, disturbs digestion. Drinking hot tea without eating anything can lead to various problems. So before eating tea, you must have a light breakfast.



There are enough benefits to eating ripe bananas. Its role in keeping the body healthy is unique. But not playing at the right time can do more harm than good.

Digestive tissue is rich in magnesium and potassium. Eating bananas on an empty stomach disturbs the balance of these elements in the blood. In particular, the body loses the balance of magnesium and calcium, which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels.
Therefore, those who have a habit of eating bananas from sleep, avoid it, if you want to keep the body in good health.



Although no one has the habit of waking up in the morning and drinking soda, it is good to know that soda cannot be eaten on an empty stomach. And beware of those who accidentally ate occasionally from now on. Because soda contains a high amount of carbonate acid. Drinking soda on an empty stomach can cause health problems and nausea. This can lead to serious problems in the body.



Avoid eating tomatoes on an empty stomach. Tomatoes are rich in pectin and tannic acid. Eating tomatoes on empty stomach results in the reaction of gastric acid with pectin and tannic acid. This causes problems in the stomach. And it later causes stones in the stomach. So, of course, eating tomatoes in the morning should be avoided.


Sweet food

Sweet food should not be done in the morning at all. Playing on an empty stomach can be very harmful. So it should be discarded. Sweets, sweets, sandesh, rasmalai, molasses, sugar eaten on an empty stomach, there is a possibility of gas, which can later cause diseases like ulcers.

I hope you will benefit at least a little after reading this article. If you have any feedback, please comment, and don't forget to clap. Stay well and stay safe. Thank you.

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