As a Reliable Payment Tool Provider Today With Cowrium

Azmi atid
3 min readMay 5, 2020


In the era of digitalization like today, of course, it has presented a fairly fierce market competition, so business owners must have a different business strategy to survive in various situations. One is that companies are required to use new technology in order to maintain profitability and existence in the business world. Did you know that at this time a lot of business people are integrating their companies into blockchain technology, this is also inseparable from the sophistication of the technology. among them is a decentralized system, which this feature will allow its users to run their business according to their wishes. This is of course because the decentralized system contained in the blockchain technology has freed Every company from various third parties such as central companies and governments. not only that, by integrating the company into Blockchain technology, the company will automatically have a system of security, privacy, very high transaction speed and various other advantages.

If you join the Blockchain technology, surely the company will use cryptocurrency as a medium for making transactions. But as we know that the current use of cryptocurrency cannot be empowered like the use of fiat currencies. This is of course because most countries have not given permission to use cryptocurrency as a legal payment tool, because they assume that cryptocurrency will interfere with the position of using fiat currencies. Yet the fact is that these two currencies will balance each other. Did you know that there is now a blockchain-based platform that provides an innovative network that can be utilized to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and fiat currencies. where this platform is called Cowrium.

As a good cryptocurrency based platform, it is appropriate to provide services that can facilitate its users to carry out various activities. Similar to Cowrium, which runs its project by providing 5 advanced services, including multidimensional smart contracts, Cowrie coins as a legal payment tool, CowDex as a decentralized exchange application that is equipped with a very high security system, Errand-boy as an application that can be used to transmit cryptocurrency assets and allow recipients to receive fiat currencies. Then there are other sophisticated services such as Cowrie Stability AI, which is a service that relies on artificial intelligence to predict markets and provide solutions that have been predicted to have good and bad impacts.

All the advanced services provided by this platform, of course, are very suitable for use by companies that are starting to experience confusion due to the many advanced technologies that have sprung up in the digitalisation era like today. So that they can join the Cowrium platform and use all the facilities that have been provided without having to make purchases of various advanced technologies as a means of payment. This is certainly in line with the main goal of establishing the Cowrium platform, which was intentionally established to help small companies to be able to use advanced technology so that it can help businesses to make sales with the right strategy and provide better customer service. So that small and medium-sized companies can develop businesses that are being run easily, without having to spend a lot of money to update various advanced technologies that have sprung up in the digitalisation era like today.

At present there are many companies who want the existence of sophisticated technology that is flexible, so they can use the technology for a long period of time and can maximize the company’s profit by minimizing expenses to make purchases of various advanced technologies. Therefore with the presence of Cowrium as a cryptocurrency-based platform that provides sophisticated applications, of course it will be easier for entrepreneurs to run and develop their business.

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Written By Azmi

ETH: 0x4353cDC9Db392ED8E9279Bd21Cf7B9b917488b3F

