Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Developer Road Map

1 min readFeb 28, 2023


HTML is the essential building block of websites and web applications. Here is the road map for HTML developers:

Basic Web Technologies: Basic knowledge of HTML coding, web page configuration and web browsers.

HTML 5: Learn about HTML 5, the latest version of HTML. Learn about new features, tags, APIs and correct usage.

CSS: Learn about CSS, another fundamental web technology used with HTML. Learn how to use CSS and style HTML code.

JavaScript: Learn about JavaScript, another fundamental web technology used alongside HTML and CSS. Learn about JavaScript fundamentals, events, DOM manipulation, and popular libraries like jQuery.

Responsive Design: Learn about the design and development of web pages used on mobile devices. Use of Bootstrap and other frameworks.

Web Performance: Learn about techniques and tools to improve the performance of web pages. Focus on topics like page load speed, browser compatibility, and optimization techniques.

SEO: Learn SEO techniques to optimize your website for search engines. Focus on topics like titles, meta tags, keyword optimization and back link building.

Web Security: Learn security techniques to keep your web applications secure. Learn about SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and other web security vulnerabilities and techniques to avoid them.

These basic steps will help an HTML developer start their web development journey. However, since web development is a constantly evolving field, HTML developers must constantly update themselves and keep learning new technologies.

