Kotlin Programming Language Developer Road Map

1 min readFeb 28, 2023


Kotlin is a modern, type-safe and functional programming language designed for use on Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Android, JavaScript and Native platforms. Kotlin is inspired by Java and is widely used in Android application development.

The Kotlin Programming Language road map could be:

Basic Kotlin: Learn Kotlin syntax and make simple apps.

Object Oriented Programming: Learn about classes, objects, and inheritance in Kotlin.

Functional Programming: Learn Kotlin’s functional programming features, deepen in this area covering topics such as lambda expressions and Higher-order functions.

Standard Library: Explore Kotlin’s standard library and learn frequently used functions.

Android Development: Kotlin, when used with Android Studio and Android Jetpack, makes Android app development faster and easier. Learn Android application development with Kotlin.

Web Development: Kotlin can also be used for web applications and servers. Learn Kotlin web frameworks like Spring Framework or Ktor.

Native Development: Kotlin/Native allows Kotlin to compile an application directly into machine code. This is especially ideal for applications that care about performance and security. Learn about Kotlin Native and develop cross-platform apps.

Advanced Kotlin: Dive into advanced topics to learn more about Kotlin. For example, learn about Kotlin coroutines, reactivity, and error handling.

This road map will give you a good starting point for learning the Kotlin Programming Language. However, this is just a suggestion, you can tailor this road map to your own learning goals. Good luck!

