A Moment in RPG History #1: Baldur’s Gate

Azra Games
9 min readOct 4, 2023


If you do not know where you come from, then you don’t know where you are
- Terry Pratchett

Welcome to what we intend to be an ongoing series that pays homage to the genre to which Azra Games is deeply dedicated: role-playing games. In these missives we will discuss the RPGs that influenced and inspired us, and shaped the industry as we know it.

This first installment is by our CEO Mark Otero himself, an ode to an old favorite that he frequently cites as an inspiration.

How Baldur’s Gate Opened the Gates
-by Mark Otero, CEO, Azra Games


As Baldur’s Gate 3 has the gaming world swooning, with some reviewers calling it one of the best games of all time, I thought it would be a good time to look back at the origins of this franchise.

The original Baldur’s Gate is important to us at AZRA not just because it played a critical role in the evolution of RPGs, but also because it inspired me personally. In fact, Baldur’s Gate is part of why I pursued game development in the first place, and as you’ll see, this eventually led to the creator of it, Ray Muzyka, becoming my boss and mentor. This sounds like an unlikely story, but it’s true.

Even without my personal connection to the game, everyone familiar with it would admit that there have been few titles as influential as Baldur’s Gate. Released in 1998 by the then-incipient BioWare, Baldur’s Gate did not merely follow the RPG tradition but boldly reinvented it. Its release marked a paradigm shift, setting new narrative and interactive standards that resonate even today.

I. The Genesis of Baldur’s Gate:

The 1990s were a fertile ground for RPGs; however, the genre was awaiting a harbinger that would redefine its boundaries. The call was answered by BioWare with the creation of Baldur’s Gate. This was not just a game but a richly woven narrative tapestry set against a sprawling interactive backdrop. It was a window to an intricately crafted world that lived and breathed with a myriad of characters, quests, and stories.

The inception of Baldur’s Gate was a bold venture by BioWare, a budding developer aiming to carve a niche in the RPG domain. With a blend of a compelling narrative and innovative gameplay mechanics, Baldur’s Gate was a departure from the norm. Its release was met with critical acclaim, becoming a touchstone for narrative depth and interactive storytelling in the RPG genre. The game didn’t just satisfy the existing appetite for RPGs but whetted the appetite for more intricate narrative experiences intertwined with player agency.

The legacy of Baldur’s Gate was not confined to its time; it rippled through the annals of RPG history, influencing many successors. The game’s success catapulted BioWare into a position of influence in the RPG community, setting the stage for a lineage of iconic titles that followed. Baldur’s Gate had not only etched a mark on the RPG landscape but also sowed the seeds for a narrative-centric approach that would become synonymous with BioWare’s ethos.

The impact of Baldur’s Gate was far-reaching, and reached me personally when I was a young gamer excited to find a title based on Dungeons & Dragons, the beloved tabletop RPG I grew up playing. It was the spark that ignited a passion for interactive storytelling and nuanced gameplay, which would later crystallize into a vision that led to the formation of KlickNation, and eventually, Azra Games.

II. Innovations Introduced by Baldur’s Gate:

Baldur’s Gate was not merely a product of its time, but a beacon of innovation that propelled the RPG genre into uncharted territories. Here are the key innovations that Baldur’s Gate brought to the table:

  • Real-Time Gameplay with a Pause Feature:

Prior to Baldur’s Gate, RPGs predominantly relied on turn-based combat. Baldur’s Gate introduced a real-time combat system with a pause feature, offering a blend of dynamic action and strategic deliberation. This feature allowed players to pause the game, issue commands, and then resume the action, providing a meticulously balanced challenge that was both engaging and intellectually stimulating.

  • Expansive Interactive World:

The game offered a sprawling, open-world experience filled with a vast array of quests, characters, and lore. Each region in the game was meticulously crafted with attention to detail, providing a rich, immersive environment for players to explore. This level of world-building was seminal, offering a template for how narrative and environment could intertwine to enhance player engagement.

  • Fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons Gameplay:

Amazingly, Baldur’s Gate truly captured the feel of playing D&D. The gameplay mechanics were meticulously faithful to the original tabletop rules in a way that impressed the game’s truest, most dedicated fans. This was no easy feat, and was only possible because the founders of Bioware were players and fans of D&D themselves.

  • Narrative Depth:

Baldur’s Gate showcased complex storytelling with player choices significantly affecting the game’s outcome. The game elevated narrative to a pedestal, making it central to the gameplay experience. This not only enriched the game’s emotional resonance but also enhanced replay value, as players could explore different narrative paths in subsequent playthroughs.

  • Multiplayer Functionality:

While multiplayer wasn’t new to RPGs, Baldur’s Gate refined it. The game allowed players to experience the epic narrative alongside friends, promoting cooperative gameplay. This social aspect enriched the overall gameplay experience, making the journey through the realms of Baldur’s Gate a shared adventure.

  • Customization and Character Development:

The game presented a robust character creation and development system, allowing players to tailor their characters to their preferences. This level of customization was emblematic of the game’s respect for player agency, a philosophy that became a hallmark in modern RPGs.

  • Moral Complexity:

Baldur’s Gate introduced moral decisions that had real consequences in the game world. This moral complexity added a layer of realism and emotional depth, allowing players to engage with the game on a more personal level.

These innovations were not standalone features but intertwined facets that created a rich, complex, and engaging gameplay experience. Baldur’s Gate was a crucible where narrative-driven gameplay, innovative mechanics, and an expansive, interactive world melded together to redefine what RPGs could offer. It laid a blueprint that many subsequent RPGs drew inspiration from, setting a new standard for narrative and gameplay integration in the genre.

III. BioWare: The Visionaries Behind the Gate:

The success of Baldur’s Gate was not only a triumph for the players but also a significant milestone for its developer, BioWare. The game’s resounding success propelled BioWare into the limelight, establishing them as a powerhouse in the RPG community. The innovations introduced in Baldur’s Gate weren’t fleeting; they were the seeds that would germinate into a legacy of narrative-centric RPGs.

  • Rise to Prominence:

Post Baldur’s Gate, BioWare became synonymous with narrative-rich, player-centric RPGs. The acclaim and commercial success of Baldur’s Gate provided BioWare with a platform to further explore and expand upon their narrative-centric approach to game development. This period saw the birth of other iconic titles like Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, each carrying forward the legacy of complex storytelling and immersive gameplay pioneered by Baldur’s Gate.

  • The Narrative Ethos:

Baldur’s Gate laid down a narrative blueprint that would be intricately woven into the fabric of BioWare’s design philosophy. The importance of a compelling narrative intertwined with player choice became a hallmark of BioWare titles. This ethos was carried forward in their subsequent masterpieces like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, where the narrative took center stage, and players were immersed in a richly layered, interactive storytelling experience.

  • Community Building:

The community that rallied around Baldur’s Gate was a testament to the game’s enduring appeal. BioWare nurtured this community, creating a feedback loop that informed the development of their later titles. The active engagement with the player base fostered a loyal community that would become a cornerstone of BioWare’s development ethos.

  • Industry Recognition:

The ripple effects of Baldur’s Gate’s success were felt throughout the industry. BioWare’s reputation as a developer capable of delivering deeply engaging, narrative-driven RPGs was solidified. The industry accolades and player adoration were a testament to BioWare’s capability to push the boundaries of what RPGs could offer.

Baldur’s Gate was more than just a title in BioWare’s portfolio; it was a narrative and technical tour de force that showcased the profound impact a well-crafted RPG could have on the gaming community and the industry at large. It demonstrated the immense potential of intertwining a compelling narrative with innovative gameplay mechanics, setting a precedent that would inspire BioWare’s future endeavors.

The narrative-centric ethos of Baldur’s Gate continued to reverberate through BioWare’s halls, shaping the developer’s approach to game design. It laid a robust foundation for the narrative-driven experiences that would become synonymous with the BioWare name.

IV. My Own Journey into RPGs:

The indelible mark Baldur’s Gate left on the RPG genre rippled through the lives of many aspiring developers, including me. For me, Baldur’s Gate was not merely a game; it was a portal into the boundless realm of interactive storytelling and nuanced gameplay. Here’s how:

  • Formation of KlickNation:

Fueled by the fire Baldur’s Gate ignited, I ventured into the realm of game development by co-founding KlickNation in 2008. I’d always wanted to make games, and more importantly, I wanted to make an RPG that contributed to the genre by creating narrative-rich, player-centric experiences like to Baldur’s Gate. KlickNation was really the result of my need to entertain people with engaging storytelling, innovative gameplay, and intricately crafted narratives.

  • BioWare’s Acquisition of KlickNation:

The narrative comes full circle when BioWare, the torchbearer of narrative-centric RPGs, recognized the vision they shared with KlickNation. In 2011, Bioware, having recently been acquired by EA, was looking to expand into free-to-play social games, and recognized KlickNation’s unique expertise in these areas as well as its prowess at building RPGs. This led to EA’s acquisition of KlickNation in 2011 and the renamig of the studio to “Bioware Social.” This acquisition was more than a mere business transaction; it was a confluence of shared ideals rooted in the narrative soil tilled by Baldur’s Gate. I also got to meet my video game hero, Bioware co-founder and Baldur’s Gate creator Ray Muzyka, who for several years became my mentor at EA.

  • AZRA Games

Were it not for this acquisition, I would never have gotten the chance to go on to build Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, one of the most successful RPGs of all time. And without this success under my belt, I might never have been able to found Azra Games, which is currently building Project Legends, which is going to be my best game yet.


As we traverse through the annals of RPG history, the legacy of Baldur’s Gate stands as a monumental pillar, a testament to the transformative power of a well-crafted narrative intertwined with innovative gameplay. Its release was not just a moment in time, but a seminal point in the evolution of the RPG genre. The narrative arc from Baldur’s Gate to Project Legends, encapsulates the profound impact a game can have on individuals and the industry at large.



Azra Games

Entertaining the world with unforgettable RPGs. Creators of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes building a next-generation Action RPG.