How To Become A Front-End Developer

Azubi Africa
10 min readJun 5, 2023


Welcome, aspiring innovators and coding enthusiasts, to a captivating exploration into the world of front-end development! In an era of cutting-edge technologies and digital transformations, a front-end developer’s role has become indispensable.

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey that unveils the secrets to becoming a skilled architect of the digital realm?

In this article, we will explore what it takes to become a front-end developer and dive headfirst into the captivating realm of web design, user experience, and interactive interfaces.

We will navigate the winding pathways of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, uncovering the core principles, industry best practices, and the artistry required to craft visually stunning and functionally dynamic websites.

Imagine wielding the power to shape user experiences, create seamless interactions, and breathe life into static and dynamic web pages. As a front-end developer, you can fuse technology and creativity, blending aesthetic prowess with technical finesse. Whether you dream of building immersive virtual worlds, revolutionizing user interfaces, or simply making the web more beautiful and user-friendly, this blog is your gateway to realizing those aspirations.

But why choose front-end development? Well, it’s the realm where the magic truly happens! As the face of every digital product, the front end is the first point of contact for users.

It bridges the gap between functionality and aesthetics, ensuring every click, swipe, and scroll is a seamless and delightful experience.

From responsive designs that adapt effortlessly across devices to captivating animations that capture attention, front-end development holds the key to crafting unforgettable digital journeys.

Prepare to challenge yourself, embrace creativity, and let your passion for innovation ignite the spark that propels you toward mastery. Let’s dive in!

Who is a Front-End Developer?

A front-end developer builds the front-end portion of websites and web applications — the part users see and interact with.

A front-end developer creates websites and applications using web languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that allow users to access and interact with the site or app. When you visit a website, the design elements you see were created by a front-end developer.

Collaborating with UI/UX designers, they breathe life into visual concepts, bringing them to fruition through the expert utilization of coding languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

While front-end developers focus on the user-facing aspects of applications, their counterparts in back-end development handle the complex behind-the-scenes infrastructure, databases, and logic that power these applications.

However, it’s important to note that the line between front-end and back-end development has started to blur as front-end developers increasingly take on tasks traditionally reserved for back-end specialists.

In this ever-evolving digital landscape, the rise of full-stack developers has also emerged. These versatile professionals possess a comprehensive skill set encompassing front-end and back-end development.

Not only do they have a deep understanding of designing and implementing user interfaces, but they also possess project management expertise and the ability to configure, manage, and maintain computer networks and systems.

As the demands of the digital world continue to evolve, front-end developers find themselves at the forefront of innovation. With an emphasis on creativity, usability, and interactivity, their role extends beyond coding languages. They must stay abreast of the latest design trends, responsive frameworks, and emerging technologies that enhance the user experience.

Front-End Developer Roles and Responsibilities

If you are wondering what a front-end developer does, below are some skillsets and activities they oversee;

Web Interface Development:

As a front-end developer, your primary responsibility is translating design concepts and wireframes into functional web interfaces. This involves implementing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and responsive layouts that work seamlessly across different devices and browsers.

Collaborating with UI/UX Designers:

Front-end developers play a crucial role in shaping the user experience of a website or application. This involves collaborating with UX designers to ensure the interface is intuitive, easy to navigate, and provides a delightful user experience.

In addition, you will be responsible for implementing interactive elements, animations, and transitions that enhance usability and engagement.

Cross-Browser and Device Compatibility:

Ensuring that web interfaces work consistently across various browsers and devices is an essential responsibility of a front-end developer. This involves thorough testing and troubleshooting to address compatibility issues and optimize performance for different platforms.

Performance Optimization:

Front-end developers are responsible for optimizing the performance of web interfaces to ensure fast loading times and smooth user interactions. This includes optimizing code, minimizing file sizes, and implementing techniques like caching and lazy loading to improve website speed.

Collaborative Development:

Front-end developers often work closely with back-end developers, designers, and other stakeholders in a collaborative environment. Effective communication and teamwork are crucial for successfully integrating front-end components with back-end functionality and ensuring a cohesive and seamless user experience.

Continuous Learning and Skill Enhancement:

The field of front-end development is constantly evolving, with new technologies and frameworks emerging regularly.

As a front-end developer, staying updated with the latest industry trends, best practices, and advancements is essential. In addition, continuous learning and skill enhancement are vital to thriving in this dynamic field.

Accessibility and SEO Compliance:

Front-end developers should prioritize accessibility and ensure that web interfaces are inclusive and usable for users with disabilities. Additionally, they should implement best practices for search engine optimization (SEO) to improve the visibility and discoverability of websites in search engine rankings.

Debugging and Issue Resolution:

Front-end developers are responsible for identifying and resolving issues, bugs, and compatibility problems that may arise during development or after deployment. Proficiency in debugging tools and techniques is essential to diagnosing and fixing problems promptly and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Essential skills for front-end developers in 2023

HTML [Hyper Text Markup Language]

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the foundational cornerstone of web development, making it an essential skill for front-end developers. Widely regarded as the most accessible entry point into front-end development, HTML is paramount in crafting web pages.

CSS [Cascading Style Sheet}

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a crucial component in front-end development, complementing the structure created by HTML and transforming it into visually appealing and stylish web pages.

Although CSS is difficult to grasp, mastering this domain requires dedicated practice and continuous learning. However, with perseverance, anyone can comprehend and excel in CSS.


HTML and CSS are two of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web (WWW). JavaScript is the third and the most challenging one.

JavaScript adds functionality to the structure created using HTML and CSS. Most websites are built using JavaScript, not only at the front end but also at the back end. Moreover, it is the most popular programming language. So, it is always worth learning JavaScript.


React is a powerful tool for front-end development that offers two key advantages. Firstly, it enables the creation of rich user interfaces with ease, allowing developers to design high-quality and user-friendly UIs.

By providing declarative components, React simplifies the process of building cool interfaces, resulting in an app that users will love to use. This is crucial for the success of any business, as a well-designed UI enhances the user experience and satisfaction.

Secondly, React accelerates development speed by using reusable components and a range of development tools. By leveraging these tools, developers can increase their productivity, completing tasks more quickly and efficiently.

This not only saves time but also translates into higher profitability as projects are delivered faster. React Developer Tools, a browser extension available for Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, is one such tool that simplifies coding and facilitates the examination of React component hierarchies.


As mentioned earlier, CSS is an essential part of front-end development. Therefore, every front-end developer should know at least one CSS framework, like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. These frameworks are like JavaScript frameworks but less complicated and have ready-made CSS files.

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework. Understanding Bootstrap is relatively easy, but implementing it is not.

That’s why a good knowledge of Bootstrap is essential for any skilled front-end developer.


Understanding CSS is important, but sometimes, it is limited. When a project grows, CSS grows and becomes tough to manage. CSS demands more time and effort, which can be avoided by using CSS preprocessing.

Saas, Stylus, and LESS are some of the most popular CSS preprocessors. No website today is complete without CSS, and learning CSS preprocessors will surely increase your front-end development skills.

Testing and Debugging

In modern development, a developer not only develops but also tests. Well, most teams always have a separate testing team, but a front-end developer should also be capable of testing.

A front-end developer should know different testing techniques, such as functional and unit testing. Moreover, it is also recommended to learn testing frameworks.

It does not matter what kind of developer a person is; debugging skills are always necessary. So always work on your debugging skills. Such skills are enhanced only when you code carefully.

You can learn these skills to become a front-end developer in 2023.

How much can I earn as a front-end developer?

The salary for a front-end developer dramatically depends on the developer’s location, company, and seniority.

First, let’s dive into the average salary for front-end developers; then, we’ll look at how seniority and the company might affect your salary.

What is the average front-end developer salary in the United States?

According to data from the job site Glassdoor, the average yearly salary for front-end developers in the US is $81,283.

Included is a yearly bonus of $6,184.

This varies widely based on which state you’re working in (or are looking to work in!). Look at what front-end developers typically earn in different locations (ordered from highest to lowest).

Again, we’ve taken all salary data from

  • San Francisco, CA: $119,010
  • Boston, NY: $112,021
  • New York, NY: $116,799
  • Dallas, TX: $113,593
  • Denver, CO: $113,360
  • Los Angeles, CA: $109,284
  • Atlanta, GA: $106,686
  • Chicago, IL: $104,692
  • Seattle, WA: $101,532
  • Minneapolis, MN: $100,835

As you can see, front-end developers earn well across the US. Check Indeed’s salary portal if you’d like to get salary data for a different location.

How much do front-end developers earn around the world?

Let’s dive into average front-end developer salaries outside of the United States.

Front-end developer salaries in European countries

Here’s a look at the average front-end developer salary in different countries across Europe:

Switzerland: 101,655 CHF (around €104,309). The national average salary in Switzerland is about 124,000 CHF.

Germany: €59,217. The federal average wage in Germany is €49,200.

Austria: €53,575. The average national salary in Austria is around €45,500.

France: €44,083. The federal average wage in France is €39,300.

Spain: €33,360. The average national salary in Spain is around €24,100.

Italy: €29,973. The federal average wage in Italy is around €28,500.

Front-end developer salaries based on seniority level

As you move from junior to senior in the field of front-end development, your salary will, of course, shift with you.

Average front-end developer salaries by seniority level in the US in 2023

  • Junior front-end developer salary: $64,241
  • Mid-level front-end developer salary: $85,389
  • Senior front-end developer salary: $109,138
  • Principal front-end developer salary: $135,831

If you’re wondering about the distinctions between these levels, you can search for the respective job titles and peruse the job descriptions to gain clarity.

Look at the responsibilities and skills required to see what it takes to move up in rank.

Hopefully, now you have a general idea of what a front-end developer earns. As you can see, location, seniority, and company make a big difference.

In general, front-end developers earn significantly more than average across the board. So, if you’d like to start front-end development, that’s much easier than you might think.

Simply sign up for Azubi Africa’s 9-month Front-end developer online course and start working towards your new career in TechTech.

How to Become a Front-End Developer?

Do not be intimidated by all of this. You can become a front-end developer if you follow the simple steps in the image below after visiting the Azubi Website.

What’s the future of front-end developers?

Front-end developers can expect a positive future regarding growth, salary, and job availability. With the increasing demand for engaging user interfaces and seamless user experiences, the need for front-end developers remains strong.

Competitive salaries are offered to these professionals, and the job market is robust, with diverse employment opportunities across industries.

Front-end developers can also benefit from remote work options and the flexibility they provide. However, continuous learning and skill enhancement are crucial to staying ahead in this evolving field.

Front-end developers can thrive and find rewarding career opportunities by staying updated with emerging technologies, expanding their skill set, and demonstrating expertise in creating exceptional user experiences.

Azubi Africa is the perfect choice for anyone serious about pursuing a career in technology and who wants to learn from experienced professionals.

The Azubi Africa Front-end Developer program has helped countless learners achieve their dreams.

We highly recommend the Azubi Front-end Developer course. A nine-month online course aims to impart the skills to build, deploy, and run a modern web application. The program is divided into two phases: the boot camp and the project phase, to adequately prepare you for a great tech life.

Join these learners today by signing up and taking the first step towards your own success story.

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Azubi Africa

The Azubi Africa program aims to improve learners' cloud and data analytic skills. This will propel you to the next level in your career.