Is having a Data Analytics certificate worth it? — Part I

Azubi Africa
5 min readJul 12, 2024


Do I need a data analytics certificate? If you’re determined to become a data analyst, you’ve probably asked yourself this question multiple times. You’re not alone. Many people also question the value of these certificates, what they can help them accomplish, and why they should even pursue them. If you’re in Africa pondering over this, know that the African tech industry is experiencing explosive growth in recent times, and data analytics is at the heart of this transformation. Businesses across the continent are increasingly seeking skilled professionals to collect, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of data to gain valuable insights and inform strategic decisions.

A data analytics certificate can be a tempting proposition for African professionals looking to upskill or transition into this high-demand field. However, with various learning pathways available, making an informed decision is crucial.

Considering the unique job market landscape and career aspirations, the first part of this blog will delve into understanding the basics and then the second part will look at whether or not a data analytics certificate is worth it specifically for African professionals. We’ll analyze key factors to help you navigate this decision and maximize your chances of success.

What is a Data Analytics Certificate?

A data analytics certificate signifies that you have completed a specific course in data analytics, the duration of which may differ. While possessing this credential is noteworthy, its true worth lies in the skills and knowledge you gain throughout the course. These skills can open doors to various opportunities, enabling you to analyze data effectively, derive insights, and make informed decisions professionally.

Who should pursue a data analytics certificate course?

A data analytics certificate is ideal for both beginners and advanced professionals. However, beginners stand to gain the most from these certificates. Beginners looking to enter the field can gain foundational skills and knowledge. Advanced professionals can also use the certificate to update their expertise and stay current with industry trends. It’s important to note that whether you’re starting your career or seeking to enhance your existing skills, continuous learning remains essential for everyone.

Choosing the Right Data Analytics Certificate

Before diving into specific courses, it’s crucial to identify the key skills required in data analytics. Prioritize programs covering most, if not all, of these essential skills to enhance your employability. To help you avoid spending time on unnecessary skills, here are the critical competencies based on extensive research:

  • SQL: This is the most important skill for many data roles. As a query language used for managing databases, proficiency in SQL is highly sought after. So, look for courses that integrate SQL training.
  • Data Visualization Tools: Familiarize yourself with tools like Tableau or Microsoft Power BI. Both are widely used, and understanding either can significantly boost your employability.
  • Excel Proficiency: Excel is a staple in most data roles today. Courses offering advanced Excel training can provide a significant advantage, so it’s worth prioritizing this skill in your learning journey.
  • Programming Languages: Python or R are popular choices in the data analytics field. Python, known for its versatility and high demand, is more favorable for most professionals

Choosing a certificate program that not only covers but also emphasizes these essential skills is crucial. It will ensure you are well-prepared for a successful career in data analytics.

Now that you understand the basics, before investing in a certificate program, it’s essential to understand the specific value it holds in the African market. Here’s a breakdown of key aspects to consider:

What’s the demand in African markets?

Data analytics skills are increasingly sought-after across various African regions. A report forecasted more than 3 million job openings in data analytics for 2021. It is reasonable to expect these numbers to rise as the significance of the data analytics sector keeps expanding. However, the demand varies depending on the specific region and industry. Research job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, or local platforms to get a clearer picture of data analyst job openings in your target location and sector. Look for trends in the number of openings, average salaries offered, and required skills or certifications.

Do employers really care about data analytics certificates?

While data analytics skills are crucial, some employers may prioritize experience over formal certifications. Researching job postings or networking with professionals in your target sector can provide valuable insights. Do companies typically list data analytics certifications as a requirement or emphasize specific skills and experience with relevant tools (e.g., Python, SQL)? Understanding employer preferences will help determine if a certificate meets their expectations.

Of course, not all certification programs are created equal, but the rigor of a specific program isn’t what catches employers’ eyes. When a hiring manager scans your resume, you have about seven seconds to make an impression. They won’t spend time assessing the quality of the data analytics certificate program you completed. The brand of the certificate program also holds little weight. While a university degree might impress a recruiter, a university-branded certificate does not carry the same clout, as many such programs aren’t even run by the universities.

So, then you ask yourself, if the certification program itself isn’t crucial, what is it? The most important element on a data science or analysis resume is proof that you can do the actual work. Relevant work experience is ideal. However, if you’re seeking your first job in the field and lack experience, that’s okay. You can demonstrate your capabilities by showcasing your data analysis projects in a professional portfolio. This is a powerful way to show your potential and make a strong impression.


We’ve looked at the basics of data analytics certificates and explored the realities of the African job market, dissecting the demand for data analysts and employer preferences regarding certificates. We’ve also weighed the pros and cons of certificate programs, considering the valuable skills you gain along with the time and cost commitment. In Part II of this blog series, we will delve deeper into practical steps to navigate your data analytics learning journey. We will explore how to self-assess your skills, research effective learning programs, and maximize your investment to propel your career forward. Don’t miss out on valuable insights on how to build a thriving data analytics career in Africa!



Azubi Africa

The Azubi Africa program aims to improve learners' cloud and data analytic skills. This will propel you to the next level in your career.