Azza Shaik
4 min readJun 7, 2020

Time and Tide waits for none

Good Morning. Very very good morning. Good Morning. Gooooood morning.

Mates, I have only a few minutes allocated to gain your fondness and I have wasted a precious 15 seconds of your time repeating “Good Morning”. Have you ever thought about how much valuable time you have wasted doing unproductive things?

Time is very demanding. It will not stand still for even a second. A lost second is a lost second. Time is never-ending. So it is best to make the best use of the time we have. Opportunities will not wait for us nor will they come again. The success of life depends upon making use of the time to its best advantage. Slackness on our part may cost us heavily. Timely and prompt action can gain a lot. Hence, as time and tide wait for nobody, we must make use of them whenever they present themselves.

Time and tide wait for none” is a famous proverb which illustrates the value and importance of time. There is nothing more precious than time. They both never wait for anybody. We cannot stop the tide to occur in the sea, it occurs whenever it has to come. In the same way, we cannot stop or store the time for further use, it runs endlessly without any stoppage. It never follows the order of anyone and never stops for anyone.

Everyone, who has taken birth, has to die a day and everything will decay as time passes. Idle people always waste their time and postpone things to do in future. People, who do not perform their duties on time, are destroying their own lives as well as the development of the nation. Time is very powerful and it punishes people who do waste it. Idle people cannot succeed in their life whereas hardworking people always touch the heights of success.

Time is very precious for us. It brings opportunities to us however not always. It is the thing which never stays for anyone. It comes only once in someone’s life and never stays even for a second. It is favourable for those who understand its value and use it properly however unfavourable for the idle people who waste it or use it improperly.

A student, who has missed their school bus on an exam day and has to grieve all the year about their delay on that particular day, may better understand the value of time. They might never miss the school bus in future ever as they have learned how much they have lost due to the little mistake. Time matters a lot for them who are involved in hard work in any way and wants to achieve their goal. It does not give chance to anyone to correct the mistakes of past however one can correct the present and thus the future too by avoiding the mistakes and valuing the time.

Scientists who make inventions and discover new technologies, students who have missed the chance of sitting in the final exams and individuals who have missed their flight, All these people understand the importance of time very well. Time changes people’s luck into good luck or bad luck according to how they use their time. People who are idle always curse their fate for not getting the things they wish. Whereas, hardworking people do their work on time and believe in their own hard work. In order to get success in any field and achieve goals what we have decided, we should never waste time and must perform all the work at an appropriate time.
Success will come surely when we have made the best use of time. Time values a lot differently to the people working in different areas such as farmers, and Sportspersons. Thus, time is very precious in every area for every work. We should use it and never waste!

Time is a precious gift from God given to us to achieve something good in life. If we achieve something good with time in life, we are appreciated and remembered by the people for a long time.

It is very true that time is invisible; however, it is also true that time is the most powerful. Time is a big ruler which rules each and everything in this world. Tide occurs in the sea which means the rising and falling of the sea. It is the process which occurs on its own in the sea. Both time and tide are examples that do not have consideration for anything. Thus, the proverb explains its meaning itself and is true for all spheres of life.

Azza Shaik

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