3 min readOct 5, 2022


Hello everyone!! â˜ș

Hope you are doing good 😊 .This is my second write-up. If you have not gone through my first one, so do check it out here ->https://link.medium.com/pewrVK1RHtb .The second medium’s vulnerability is OAUTH MISCONFIGURATION LEADS TO PRE ACCOUNT TAKEOVER.



Let’s get started!! đŸ€©

What is OAuth misconfiguration?? đŸ€”

The most infamous OAuth-based vulnerability is when the configuration of the OAuth service itself enables attackers to steal authorization codes or access tokens associated with other users' accounts.

As usual I was surfing on Bugcrowd , I came across a program. We call it as Redacted.com.[At the end of the day, they changed the program to private] So I have been using the program name as Redacted.com. As I was gone through I came to the login page and I decided to hunt there, where I saw that it uses OAuth method such as Google,Microsoft and Facebook to signup and normal way to signup with name and work-email. So I decided to try for OAuth vulnerability.


  1. Go to https://redacted and signup using the unregistered victim’s account.
  2. After the sometime victim is going to signup using the OAuth method.
  3. What happens here is, that now the victim can easily log in using the victim’s account which bypasses the verification methods.


  1. Signup for victim@gmail.com using email signup
  2. Signup through google login using the same email
  3. The user will be logged in
  4. This vulnerability is very high severity because of exploitation and complete account access if the victim creates an account.

I reported it on 17th of AUG and they replied me on 18th AUG that it is duplicate.

Waiting for just 2 mins they changed the state duplicate to accepted. And now i was like

So it was accepted and they rewarded me with 10Points.

Thanks for reading!! 😊