Who is Rick Prime?

Beka Modrekiladze
4 min readSep 24, 2023


As the countdown to Season 7 of Rick and Morty begins, fans are buzzing with anticipation, theories, and questions. Among the most fascinating enigmas is the identity of “Rick Prime.” Who is he? How is he so powerful? Why doesn’t he age? And what are his goals? Before diving into the new season, let’s take a deep dive into this mysterious figure and attempt to unravel the threads that connect him to the multiverse and our beloved Rick C-137.

First Appearance

“Who is Rick Prime?” is not a question you would ask lightly if you’ve been following the series closely. We got our first glimpse of this elusive figure in Rick’s manipulated memory, where he brutally killed Rick’s family after a rejection from his own self.

But there’s more than meets the eye. Through Rick’s “crybaby backstory,” we learn that this memory is actually real and was the catalyst for his invention of interdimensional travel.

The Never-ending Search

Rick C-137 has gone to incredible lengths to find Prime Rick, but to no avail. He has ultimately given up, or so it seemed until Season 6. Rick’s motivation for spending so much time with Morty is revealed: He believes that Rick Prime is his original Rick and hopes he’ll return someday.

Season 6 tantalizingly points to Rick Prime’s secret location but leaves viewers hanging on what actually happens there. The after-credits scene further mystifies us, showing that not only does Rick Prime not age, but he’s also seemingly immortal!

The Three Main Questions

Thus, we arrive at the crux of our investigation:

  1. How is Rick Prime so powerful?
  2. Why doesn’t he age?
  3. What are his goals?

To provide answers to these questions, I will use my theory involving time dilation near black holes. Stay with me as we explore its implications for understanding Rick Prime.

My Theory: Ultimate Simulated Evolution

A Laboratory of Multiverses

Let’s begin with an idea: populating habitable planets with initial samples of life, whether they be rudimentary organisms or more advanced forms. Now, pair this with the physics of black holes — astounding gravitational fields that not only devour matter but also distort time. Imagine, after setting the stage for life on these planets, positioning yourself near a black hole. Due to the phenomenon of gravitational time dilation, you could spend just a week near this black hole and effectively fast-forward thousands of years for those populated planets. This astonishing time hack allows you to return to your experiment and harvest not only advanced technologies and scientific discoveries but also evolved cultures, art forms, and philosophies — all in what feels like the blink of an eye to you. It’s a way to condense the growth and essence of countless lifetimes into manageable, harvestable moments. Now, think bigger: what if you’re the smartest being in the universe with access to the multiverse?


Rick Prime wouldn’t populate planets with random life forms; instead, he would populate them with the smartest beings — versions of himself. But why stop at planets when you have access to the Multiverse? Instead, he would populate entire universes! In this theory, Rick Prime has created all the universes and all other Ricks are just his clones, making him, quite literally, the Prime Rick. And now we also have an answer to second question: It’s not that he doesn’t age. Rather, in his ‘outer universe,’ time moves more slowly — much like the video game “Roy” from the series.

The Quest for Knowledge

Prime Rick’s multiverse serves as a laboratory for farming new inventions, which explains his unprecedented power; answering first question. He could further optimize the system by motivating Ricks, giving them a reason to progress. In the case of Rick C-137, that motivation was revenge. Prime Rick triggered him to invent interdimensional travel and everything else, as he sought to find Prime Rick after the murder of his family.


So, who is Rick Prime? He could be the grand puppeteer of the multiverse, an entity so powerful and ingenious that he manipulates realities for his ends. Which would answer those 3 questions. As we anxiously await Season 7, it’s exciting to think how much closer we might get to solving the mystery of Rick Prime, the enigma at the heart of Rick and Morty’s multiverse.

And there you have it! Are you convinced? Are you skeptical? Or do you have a theory of your own? Let’s get the discussion rolling as we count down the days to Season 7. Keep watching and keep theorizing!



Beka Modrekiladze

I'm a researcher at Carnegie Mellon. Trying to solve mysteries of black holes and quantum gravity. Passionate to share cool and inspiring findings.