ZK Proof Layer with Cysic
What is Cysic?
Cysic Network hyperscales the ZK revolution as a ZK-proof layer. Its major goal is to accelerate the ZK proof generation and settlement for all ZK projects by utilizing community computing resources and Cysic’s industry-leading CUDA and ASIC development. The key benefits of utilizing the Cysic network are the speed and affordability of proof generating as well as the simplicity of proof settlement. Cysic tokens are given to Cysic Network users in exchange for their contributions.
Proof of Compute is a cutting-edge consensus technique used by Cysic Network. It is a hybrid of Proof of Work and Proof of Stake that works well with Cysic Network’s configuration. In short, the purpose of a computation problem is to choose a committee that will suggest blocks for a given era. The likelihood of putting forward blocks for the era is correlated with the committee members’ stakes.
Through the voting feature, Cysic Network is able to fully realize the value of the ZK ecosystem. The diagram below provides a summary of the governance flow. Check out our Litepaper for additional details, and keep an eye out for our more in-depth Whitepaper.
As previously mentioned, the ZK projects that supply the ZK tasks and the provers/verifiers that supply the processing power for the ZK tasks are the two user groups that make up the Cysic Network. Both parties stand to gain from their membership in Cysic Network. The advantages for the ZK projects are:
- Cheap: Cysic Network offers the least expensive processing power in the market by leveraging its strong ties to the mining community.
- Reliable: For every proof work, several provers from various regions are chosen. This guarantees that every proof task may be completed on time.
- Performant: Cysic offers the most advanced CUDA implementation of several ZK-proof backends, including as Halo2, Plonky2, Gnark, and RapidSnark. Cysic is the industry leader in ZK hardware acceleration.
- Flexible: Cysic Network takes flexible payment methods, in contrast to the conventional AWS/SaaS fixed payment approach.
Cysic can handle the processing power required for all ZK computing scenarios, such as ZK Rollup, ZKML, ZK Bridge, etc. Cysic provides ZK-CaaS (ZK Compute-as-a-Service) based on cutting-edge self-developed ASIC processors. It integrates numerous community verification nodes based on the computational capacity of the chips and the GPUs in the community. By building the Cysic Network, it ultimately gives the industry as a whole a reliable combined computing power + verification network.