Creating an Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine in VMWare Workstation

3 min readJun 6, 2024


  1. Download the Ubuntu Linux ISO Image

For this tutorial, we will be downloading Ubuntu Linux from here.

Click the download link, and save the ISO.

2. Create the Virtual Machine

Open VMWare Workstation, and press Ctrl+N to create a new virtual machine.

Click “Next”.

Select “Installer disc image file (iso):” and click “Browse”. Select the ISO you saved earlier.

Click “Next”.

Select “Linux”, and click the “Version” dropbox. Select “Ubuntu 64-bit”.

Click “Next”.

Enter an appropriate name in the “Virtual Machine Name” field, and click “Browse” to select the directory where you want the virtual machine to be stored.

Click “Next”.

Keep the defaults, and click “Next”.

Click “Customize Hardware”.

We can tweak our configuration a bit and make the VM more efficient. Let’s remove the USB Controller, the Sound Card, and the Printer.

For the network adapter, this tutorial is assuming you are creating a virtual machine to connect to your internal/home network, which will cause it to receive an IP address from your home router. Therefore, be sure that “Bridged” is selected as the “Network Connection”.

Click “Close”.

Click “Finish”.

From there, you are ready to start the VM, and install the Ubuntu Linux operating system.




I graduated with a BS in Cybersecurity back in 2022, and recently started my first help desk job for a reasonbly sized ISP.