Setting Up a Kali Linux Amazon EC2 Instance

3 min readJun 7, 2024


Head to the Amazon AWS Dashboard.

Click on “Services”, as seen above.

Click on “EC2”, as seen above.

Click on “Launch Instance”, as seen above.

We are now at the “Launch an instance” screen. Here I will guide you through each setting you need for the instance we are going to create.

Use whatever you wish here.

While you are free to look for a particular image of Kali, I will be using: kali-last-snapshot-amd64–2023.4.0–804fcc46–63fc-4eb6–85a1–50e66d6c7215. Paste this into the search box and press “enter”.

You will be taken to the “Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)” screen. Initially, the “Community AMIs” tab will be blank, but give it a moment and it will show that there is a community image available. Click on “Community AMIs (1)” as shown above.

Click on “Select”, as shown above. You will return to the “Launch an instance” screen, and can proceed to the next step.

If this is a new AWS account, it is sufficient to select “t2.medium”, otherwise, you may want select a free tier “Instance type”.

Click “Create a new key pair” in the lower right corner.

Give your key pair a name, an encryption, and pick a format. Here we are using “kali-snort-lab” with RSA encryption, and will export the key for use in PuTTY. Click on “Create key pair” in the lower right corner, and save the key file.

For simple homelab purposes (where the instance will be stopped and started as needed), it suffices to use the default Network settings.

We can keep the default storage as well, for simple homelab purposes.

Click on “Launch instance”, as shown above.

After some time, your instance will be ready.




I graduated with a BS in Cybersecurity back in 2022, and recently started my first help desk job for a reasonbly sized ISP.