5 Life Lessons I Learned in Community Theatre

b2 (Bryan Byrd)
2 min readAug 24, 2015


Rain or Shine

“Whatever you do, don’t volunteer for anything”.

This was the first piece of advice I received from a veteran writer/actor/director that I sought out when I landed my first leading role.

“Once they get their hooks in you, you’re finished. You won’t have time to act anymore, and all of the fun will get sucked right out of it.”

I didn’t dare tell him that I had indeed filled out the pre-requisite volunteer ‘skills & abilities’ form that went along with auditioning for a part.

But like most things in life, advice is helpful, but doing and learning is where it is at. So I have spent the last eight months doing and learning.

My third production in a row opened this past Friday and I audition for #4 tonight. If nothing else, I’ve learned how to be a compulsive thespian.

But I have learned so much more. Not just about community theatre, but about life itself. Lessons that can be applied on any stage, by any actor, living any life.

I therefore present to you the top five, in order of appearance:

  1. Scenery can be nice, but dialogue tells the story.
  2. Supporting characters can make or break a scene.
  3. You have no idea how much work goes on behind the scenes.
  4. Make all of your entrances. Always.
  5. Listen for your queues, but don’t step on another person’s lines.
All dressed up and nowhere to act…..

b2 pontificates on a myriad of topics at b2publishing.blogspot.com.

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b2 (Bryan Byrd)

‘I don't make things happen so that I can write about them. But, I do make things happen,...and I do write about them.’ - b2 http://b2publishing.blogspot.com/