Hobbled, part 2- root cause analysis

b2 (Bryan Byrd)
2 min readAug 12, 2015


I’ve been down that road before…

My quest to move from casual walker to 5K jogger had led to an arch injury, and a realization. I was indeed hobbled. But it wasn’t my foot that was holding me back.

In fact, it was only when I was running that my foot did not ache. Perhaps the runner’s high was having an affect on my pain receiptors in a way that I had never imagined.

While the app for beginning joggers tracked my weekly progress, the rest of my life was losing momentum. Work was going well. My volunteer activities were abundant. Family was making time to laugh, learn, and grow together.

Yet the earth seemed to be spinning just a little bit slower. The hills seemed steeper, the valleys longer. Depression was creeping it’s way back in, and I was letting it.

Situational anxiety was what they had told me eight years ago and the ‘situation’ was long over. So why hadn’t I gotten over it and moved on. Why was this non-issue, continuing to act like an issue.

Turns out I had loss site of my tools:

  1. Write. Daily.
  2. Read. Constantly.
  3. Listen. More.
  4. Sweat. Often.
  5. Laugh. Outloud.

Just writing out makes me feel better. Hitting all cylinders before 7 am gives me a sense of invinciblity.

Like my foot, the anxiety will not be all better over night. I might even have a noticable limp. But I will keep stepping out. Hobbled or not.




b2 (Bryan Byrd)

‘I don't make things happen so that I can write about them. But, I do make things happen,...and I do write about them.’ - b2 http://b2publishing.blogspot.com/