Testnet B4B.WORLD Program

6 min readOct 31, 2022


Hey B4B enthusiasts, our developers are finishing up work on B4B.WORLD V1 and are making final edits. A few more checks and the B4B Protocol with reputation-based rewards will be ready. By the way, here’s the Testnet program for you!

What should we prepare for and what to expect?

We prepared the game-based mechanics on B4B.WORLD platform on the Aurora testnet. Each B4B enthusiast can take part in the activity and earn B4B Points.

Long story short, choose the role: of demo influencer and/or content creator, and pass through step-by-step activities on the platform for several days, using your Twitter and Metamask wallet connected to Aurora testnet. You will receive rewards in proportion to your activity on the platform with the Mainnet release in November.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the telegram channel: https://t.me/b4b_world_chat

What activities will be available on the Testnet?

Before the start, you need to choose the role for the testnet.

Demo-influencer: Every B4B enthusiast can be a demo-influencer on the platform. You need to register your profile and connect to your Twitter. Next, you need to accept a demo Ad order and post it on the specified day. Grow your B4B Rating in your personal accounts by completing the new Ads.

More B4B Rating you will achieve in Testnet — more Rewards in B4B Points you will achieve in our Mainnet release.

Demo-influencer + Content Creator:
If you want additionally to be a content creator, then you have to create an image/video/gif for a demo Ad post based on a template. And publish a demo Ad post with your own content. Content creators receive additional B4B Points for their content.

What do I get for these activities?

Demo-influencer will receive B4B Points in their Mainnet accounts and will earn B4B Coins rewards after the mainnet Release of the platform according to the B4B Protocol algorithm. The next distribution of the B4B Points, based on the activity:

  • >3000 B4B Rating during Testnet will convert to 1000 B4B Points in Mainnet
  • >1500 B4B Rating during Testnet will convert to 500 B4B Points in Mainnet
  • >500 B4B Rating during Testnet will convert to 100 B4B Points in Mainnet

If you specify in the description of your demo account that you are a content creator, then you will be able to offer your own version of the image/gif/video for a demo Ad post. Every content creator will receive 50 Points in Mainnet for making original content. The authors of the best content will be rewarded additionally:

  • 500 B4B Points in Mainnet for the 4 posts with the most likes
  • 300 B4B Points in Mainnet for the 10 most creative images/gifs/videos, selected by the B4B community
  • 200 B4B Points in Mainnet for the 10 most creative images/gifs/videos, selected by the B4B Team.

The B4B Points will be equal to B4B Rating in the 1st month of mainnet Release and help you receive B4B Coins earlier by B4B Protocol algorithm.

How to join? Let’s go step by step:

0 Part: Preparation ~🕓10 min

  1. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/b4b_world

and Telegram: https://t.me/b4b_world

  1. To participate in the Testnet, you need an EVM wallet, for example, a Metamask wallet. Instruction on how to set up a Metamask wallet: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489531-Getting-started-with-MetaMask
  2. Connecting MetaMask to Aurora. In the top-right corner of the MetaMask interface, click the network selection drop-down and then click Custom RPC.

Fill in the form with the following information:

Click Save, and you should see Aurora Testnet is now the network selected in MetaMask.

1st Part: Create a Demo Influencer Account ~🕓 5 min

  1. Follow the link: https://testnet-influencer.b4b.app/ and connect your EVM-compatible wallet.

2. Fill in the information for the demo account

  • Social Media: select Twitter
  • Social Media topics: any 3 topics
  • Social Media Name: your nickname on Twitter
  • Link on Social Media: link to your Twitter
  • Tell advertisers about your social media: Describe your page as creatively as possible. If you are a content creator and want to make a picture/gif/video for ad posts — specify this. Accounts with identical descriptions won’t receive demo Ad orders.
  • Blog language: the language of your blog
  • Followers: anyone with any number of followers can participate in the Testnet
  • Average views per post
  • Engagement rate (ER): specify any number from 1 to 2
  • Price: specify any number from 10 to 40
  • In the last step, specify your contact information to receive demo Ad orders)

3. Verify your Twitter. Select “Profile” on the menu. In the upper right corner, click “Verify Twitter”. You should be login to the Twitter account that you specified (in the same browser where the B4B web App opens).

4. Upload a picture for the avatar

5. To get demo Ad orders, copy the link to your profile and send it to the telegram group: https://t.me/b4b_world_chat

Cool! You created your demo influencer profile! Now you can accept Ad orders and grow your B4B Rating in Testnet!

2nd Part: Accept Demo Ad Orders ~🕓2 min
1. Get ETH on testnet Aurora for gas fees, by choosing Testnet and connecting your wallet here: https://aurora.dev/faucet

2. When the order arrives, you will receive a notification by the Telegram bot.

How to connect the telegram bot for notifications: https://t.me/b4b_world/10

Your task is to accept the order as soon as possible. The faster you accept an Ad order, the more B4B Rating you will earn.

3. To accept an order, you should click accept and sign it via Metamask (for this you need the gas fee in Eth on Aurora Testnet).

3rd Part: Complete Demo Ad Orders ~🕓2 min

Pay attention to the date of the ad. The ad should be published on the specified date.

1. Copy the text and upload the image

2. Post this text and picture on your Twitter

3. Send a link to the posted demo Ad tweet. Within 24 hours, the brand will confirm that the Ad has been posted and you will receive a B4B Rating in the Testnet.

Congratulations, you posted your first demo Ad. To earn the maximum you need to post 3–5 Ads!

4th Part: Fill out the Feedback Form ~🕓 10 minute

After you have posted at least one demo Ad order, share your feedback about our platform. At the end of the testnet, you will receive an email notification with a form to fill out.

We hope you all join us in the B4B.World launch! We’re looking forward to hearing cool feedback from you.

If you’re excited about joining the B4B Testnet launch, give us some energy by 👏🏻 clapping or 📌 sharing this post on your social media.

Want to be part of the journey? Follow us:

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#Testnet #Influencer #NFT #SocialFi #Web3 #InfluencerMarketing #CryptoInfluencer #NFTInfluencer

Disclaimer: Since the program is currently at its inception, it may undergo changes. Keep in mind that no one here will get rich on bots. The program is based on explorers who want to move forward with B4B WORLD.




Decentralized influencer marketing platform with a reputation economy