Packet Tracer 10.3.5 — Troubleshooting Default Gateway Issues — Exercise

4 min readOct 15, 2023

** DISCLAIMER — I don’t plan to go into much detail about this exercise.

These are my personal notes on how I solved this exercise, though there are many ways to do it. I will not add the full details of the exercise, but only what I need to know and the actions I took to solve the requirements.

Any questions answered may be incorrect, as indicated by my current level of knowledge or willingness to document.

You are welcome to view my notes for this exercise, but this is by no means intended to replace your work or even guide you through this exercise.

If this is your assignment, you are expected to do your own work. If you don’t understand what I’ve written here, then you don’t understand the assignment and you will not pass when it is time to take the test.

You may use this for help if you get stuck on something, and maybe reading my notes will help you understand a concept or two a little better, but you MUST do your own work to understand the assignment.

If you have specific questions for me about this assignment, please consider tipping.**


Part 1: Verify Network Documentation and Isolate Problems
Part 2: Implement, Verify, and Document Solutions


  • Given a network, verify the address table and fill in any blanks
  • Locate and fix any errors
  • Verify proper operation
Address table
  1. Recreate the address table in LibreOffice Calc
  2. In Packet Tracer activity, find the default gateway for PC1 — PC4 using cmd: ipconfig /all
  • PC1 has the wrong IP adddress
  • PC4 has the wrong default gateway

3. Get S1 and S2 information using CLI:
- enable
- show running-config

  • S1 VLAN1 shows IP address but no default gateway.
  • S2 VLAN1 shows no IP address and a default gateway of

The updated address chart:

Time to start fixing things:

  1. Go to PC1 => Desktop => IP Configuration and change the IP address to

2. Go to Go to PC4 => Desktop => IP Configuration and change the default gateway to

3. Go to S1 CLI and set the default gateway to

4. Use ‘show running-config’ to verify changes for S1

5. Go to S2 CLI and set the IP address and subnet mask to and

6. Check the changes

The errors have been corrected and the documentation has been updated

We should be able to ping any device on the network now

  • Begin testing using PC1

All issues resolved

This concludes the Packet Tracer exercise.

Remember, it’s always best to check each connection in both directions, but that is up to you to do your own work and finish your assignment.


For this assignment, I used: System76 Oryx Pro, Pop!OS, HP Elitebook, Windows 11, Packet Tracer, LibreOffice Calc

