Mistral’s Mixtral: Mastering Models for Tomorrow

Benjamin Laney
7 min readDec 9, 2023
Source: https://mistral.ai/

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence, the term ‘breakthrough’ frequently garnishes headlines, seducing us with the promise of a transformed tomorrow. Yet amidst the virtual cacophony of corporate chest-thumping and dazzling demos, a subdued yet equally significant ripple is unfolding — the release of Mistral’s Mixtral 8x7B 32k model. This milestone mirrors not just a technological leap but a departure from conventional AI dissemination strategies, courting the curiosity of a community primed for innovation.

Avid technophiles and industry experts have turned their eyes towards Mistral, captivated by an atypical release that eschews high-production launch events, favoring direct dialogue with the AI cognoscenti. The Mixtral 8x7B model — smaller in stature than its heralded predecessors but revered for its coherent and potent capabilities — garnered substantial traction on platforms like Hacker News, where every point served as an affirmation of its anticipated impact.

Mixtral’s architecture blossomed under a critical watch. Its finer details — the hidden_dim/dim and n_heads/n_kv_heads ratios, its spunky MoE variant — sparked discussions on platforms like Reddit, where…

