Github Contributions Resume Builder

Lhassan BAAZZI
2 min readJul 27, 2017


One of my good habits, is to check every morning at work the Hacker News feed.

Today, I found an entry on the Hacker News feed that link to a Github repository, this project give you the ability to generate your Resume from your Github contributions.

The idea behind this repo, come from a tweet by John Resig the creator of jQuery.

The owner of the project require to opt in before to use the service, by opt in you need to give a star to the repository, the opt in means that the user agree to generate his/her resume via this service.

Github repository homepage

Now, to generate your resume, give a star to the repo, then go to and put your Github username on the text input.

Before giving a star to the repo
My Resume, accessible via

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Lhassan BAAZZI

Freelance PHP / Symfony - Python / Scrapy / Web scraping expert / Leads generator