June: adventures off-Medium, re-Readings, and multiple homicides

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2 min readJun 5, 2017

Hi, Chalkboard scribblers!

We hope life has been treating everyone well since our last newsletter. We’ve got a few projects we’re excited about for June, and we hope you’re following our publication (and your favourite writers!) so you won’t miss out.

Here’s a round-up on what’s hot in Chalkboard:

Submit here!

  • Readings is our new audio project, where we invite you to read and record a poem by another writer. We’ve recently posted the first batch of poems, so sign up to show us what the poem means to you. Don’t be shy — it’s not a test, it’s an exploration!
  • Imagà Imaginings is an image prompt writing collaboration, where you can post an image as a prompt for others or be inspired and get creative from one of the submitted prompts
  • The Murder Room is a short fiction project, where writers are invited to reuse the same cast of characters in their very own murder mystery. We’re still accepting submissions till the 12th of June!
  • Out of Site, Out of Mind is an off-site social media collaboration that’s just open. Go wild everywhere, anywhere. With words, that is.
  • One-Line Poems almost guarantee you that quick win. Promised to write every day to yourself but can’t fit it in? Try a one-line poem. Did not promise anyone to write anything? Write a one-line poem.

Coming Soon

We’ve already got another project lined up for mid-June, and it’s a beauty. We love our chains, and this time it’s the villanelle form — or, as Dewi calls it, villain-eville. Great for any puzzle lovers out there.

Gone…for now

We’ve now retired the Cleave Chain project, but it may make a comeback if there’s ongoing interest in the future. We had lots of fun with this one, and we hope you did, too. To help us close the project, regular contributor Michael Stalcup created a map of our creations, which we added to our index of poems. (We’ve also added one of his maps to the Sestina Synthetica project summary — thanks, Michael!)

Do we have a life?

You might be wondering with all those projects whether we ever leave our keyboards. Kathy and Indira took a few days off but were so organised you probably didn’t even notice, so here’s a shot of Indira on the beach NOT thinking about murders.

Photo by Indira

Or is she…?

Got an idea? Let us know!

Remember, Chalkboard only accepts submissions that are either a contribution to a current project or a kick-off post for a new project. So if our current fiction and poetry projects aren’t calling out to you, feel free to submit your own idea. More info

Until next time!

Chalkboard editors.

