An Incomplete List of Companies Working with ICE

6 min readJun 29, 2019


Hundreds of immigrants detained by Border Patrol in a parking lot in El Paso. Photo credit: Nick Miroff via Twitter:

It’s been suggested to me that I put a thread I recently did on companies working with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency in a separate, more permanent place in case the original thread gets taken down. To that end, here is a woefully incomplete list (with sources!) of some of the companies making huge profits off the suffering of undocumented immigrants:

Ingenesis (@InGenesisInc): a “workforce solutions provider” which was the recipient of a contract worth up to $388,492,301 to provide “medical staffing support services” for ICE.

Classic Air Charter Inc.: The same company that helped the CIA “extraordinary rendition” torture program was awarded a contract worth up to $704,198,361 to help ICE deport suspected undocumented immigrants.

B.I. Incorporated: Owned by GEO Group, the company that owns and operates many ICE concentration camps, B.I. Incorporated develops and sells “electronic offender-tracking equipment and services” and received a contract with ICE worth up to $137,474,424.

Trailboss Enterprises, Inc.: The transportation company received a contract worth $107,676,347 to provide detention transport services to ICE.

Asset Protection & Security Services, L.P.: ICE apparently needs even more jackbooted thugs to herd prisoners in and out of its concentration camps, awarding this company a contract worth $105,649,915 for “guard services and transportation.”

MVM, Inc. (@MVMINC): This private security contractor transports unaccompanied children to and from ICE concentration camps. They received $84,124,557 for work in 2017–2018 and $73,204,159 for work through this September.

Phacil, Inc. (@Phacil_Inc): This intelligence tech company won a contract worth up to $76,805,663 to help ICE transport children to and from the concentration camps.

Qbase-McNeil Integrated Solutions: This company boasts on their website that they provide ICE with “mission-critical IT service support and program management both domestically and internationally.” $137,474,424 contract.

The GEO Group, Inc.: This company owns and operates many ICE concentration camps and received $64,095,066 for “detention, food and transportation services.”

STG International, Inc. (@STGi_Corporate): This corporation was awarded a contract worth up to $447,139,706 to provide “medical staffing services” to ICE concentration camps.

CoreCivic (@CoreCivic): This company owns and operates several ICE concentration camps and was awarded a $55,843,992 contract for work through the end of this month.

Akima Global Solutions, LLC: From their website: “AGS provides the people, equipment, and processes that safeguard federal buildings, military bases, and detention centers and detainees.” ICE paid them $55,085,457 this year for their concentration camps.

Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. (@MaximHealthcare): This corporation provides medical staffing for ICE concentration camps. They were awarded a $54,156,048 contract for their troubles.

HP Enterprise Services LLC: A company owned by Hewlett-Packard (@HP), it received a contract worth up to $79,120,921 from ICE for helping with DHS data centers.

Ahtna Support And Training Services, LLC (@AhtnaInc): ICE paid this Alaska-based security firm $49,159,169 for providing “guard and food services” for its concentration camps.

CSRA LLC (@CSRA_inc): A subsidiary of General Dynamics Information Technology (@GDIT), this infotech company was awarded a contract from ICE worth up to $55,387,367.

CACI-ISS, INC.: A subsidiary of CACI International (@CACIIntl), this security company was awarded a contract of up to $97,118,164 to help ICE with “tactical communications engineering, maintenance and support.”

Global Precision Systems, LLC: Awarded a contract worth up to $44,369,838 for “detention and transportation services” supporting ICE concentration camps.

Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.(@BoozAllen): A huge infotech company which received a contract worth up to $100,457,166 for advising ICE with their ethnic cleansing campaign and concentration camp system.

Palantir Technologies (@PalantirTech): This famously evil company got a $39,340,901 contract from ICE for building and helping to run FALCON, “a database and analytical platform […] to track immigrants and crunch data on forms of cross-border criminal activity.” More info on Palantir’s involvement with ICE and deportation here. Reporting by Spencer Woodman (@SpencerWoodman).

Savantage Solutions (@SavantageUS): Won a $58,329,825 contract with ICE for assisting with Palantir’s FALCON software system.

Knight Point Systems, LLC (@KnightPoint): This infotech company was awarded an ICE contract of up to $72,633,611 for support services.

Dev Technology Group, Inc. (@devtechnology): This IT services company is helping ICE maintain its concentration camps and ethnic cleansing campaign after receiving a contract worth up to $67,010,230.

Native Energy & Technology, Inc. (@nativeenergyTX): This company won a contract worth up to $57,737,948 for “Facilities Maintenance and Management” at ICE concentration camps.

Dell Federal Systems, LP (@DellEMCFederal): A subsidiary of Dell (@Dell), one of the big corporate collaborators with ICE, this company won a contract worth up to $49,781,752 for providing infotech support.

U.S. Bancorp: The parent company of @usbank, the 7th-largest bank in the country, Bancorp won a $29,151,120 contract providing “fee collection” services for ICE, probably bilking undocumented immigrants out of their money.

Capgemini Government Solutions, LLC: A wholly-owned subsidiary of Capgemini (@Capgemini), this company received a contract worth up to $27,076,640 for providing administrative management and management consulting services to ICE.

Defense Point Security, LLC (@DefpointSec): Now owned by Accenture (@Accenture), this cybersecurity services company won a contract worth up to $39,298,607 from ICE.

360 IT Integrated Solutions: This infotech company won a contract for up to $24,733,182 for providing data processing, hosting, and related services to ICE.

Deloitte Consulting, LLP: This company (whose parent company is @Deloitte) won a contract with ICE worth up to $64,103,894 for management consulting services. Who the hell knows what that means.

JSI Telecom: This is a particularly gross one. This company, which also works with the DEA and the FBI, won a $19,750,298 contract from ICE to help them intercept the communications of people suspected of being undocumented. More on this company’s relationship with ICE and other federal agencies here.

Grant Thornton (@GrantThornton): Same type of contract as JSI: “operation and maintenance of […] digital collection systems.” Grant Thornton won a $18,506,185 contract from ICE for this spook shit.

West Publishing: This huge legal publishing company, whose parent company is @thomsonreuters, won a $18,812,203 contract from ICE for document scanning and data entry services.

Procentrix (@procentrix): This infotech company won a contract from ICE worth up to $15,294,406 for providing technical support services.

Microsoft (@Microsoft): The tech giant won a $19.4 million contract with ICE for use of its Azure (@Azure) cloud computing services, which it boasted was “mission-critical” to ICE operations.

IBM (@IBMResearch, @IBMAnalytics): The company that supplied Nazi extermination camps with machines to track prisoners (with numbers later tattooed on them) and trains, IMB won a $81,960,476 contract with our own fascists at Border Patrol for tech support.

In addition to these companies (with a few repeats), here is a list of 15 companies who were working with ICE at least as recently as 2018 from an article by Julia Glum (@SuperJulia) originally published in Money:
Northeastern University (@Northeastern)
Ernst & Young
Thomson Reuters (@Reuters)
Motorola Solutions (@MotorolaUS)
Deloitte (@Deloitte)
Johns Hopkins University (@JohnsHopkins)
Dell (@Dell)
Xerox (@Xerox)
Canon (@CanonUSA)
Vermont State Colleges
Amazon (@amazon)
Time Warner Cable
Comcast (@comcastcares)
LinkedIn (@LinkedIn)

Shaming alone won’t work — companies don’t have consciences. And as you might’ve been able to tell, lots of these companies don’t really do PR; they’re comfortable being in the shadows because their customers are all governments. But we can absolutely still put pressure on them. None of the ghouls getting rich from US concentration camps deserve a moment’s peace, and their information is all over the Internet. All these companies have addresses. Boycott, protest, shame, whatever the fuck it takes.

I encourage you all to do your own digging (this website is a great resource for government contracts, and I’ve even queued up the search for you to filter contracts awarded by ICE that include fiscal year 2019) and then do whatever you can to make life a little harder for the profiteers of human misery running our government and workplaces. It’s been encouraging seeing such strong reactions from you all. We’re not powerless.




American University and Wheaton College (MA) alum. Philosophy and leftist politics. Actual communist. ☭ Please don’t follow me. (he/him)