BABA Token: Ethereum blockchain’s first Caribbean Rock tokenization

Baba Gris
2 min readSep 24, 2018


Baba Gris’ Campaign Video

The constant struggle to create music with integrity could be interpreted as a curse for some or simply as a waste of time for others. That’s not the case for Baba Gris. We are a group of professional musicians from the island of Puerto Rico, where struggling has become a way of life. So we’ve chosen to give this fight everything we’ve got. Our music is a mixture of a variety of Caribbean and Latin American rhythms using the language of progressive rock to widen the musical possibilities. Not knowing where this path will lead us has become our foundation and the main reason to produce the best quality of art we can think of, in the most independent ways possible. The decisions we make while creating the music and concepts for Baba Gris converge with how we want it to function economic wise. We’ve always considered ourselves independent musicians because we want to keep the freedom music deserves, we don’t want intermediaries interfering with what our hearts and minds have been building and most importantly, we want our audience to keep every shred of honesty that we’ve put into this project. So we’ve always thought that integrity will eventually pay off, and what SingularDTV’s platform is offering does not stray far from that.

When we first knew of Blockchain technology and how SingularDTV’s platform is using it for artists, we didn’t completely understood it. But it still sounded like a breakthrough experiment that we wanted to study to see if we’d soon adopt it. As we started to familiarize with all the concepts and the over all philosophy, it seemed like the perfect path for Baba Gris. Singular is building a set of modules that comprise a whole ecosystem where artists and content creators can be empowered with methodologies and decentralized applications (dApps) from the development of a project to its distribution. This will result in a more organic relationship between the artist and its audience.

Think about it, your whole career will be constructed around all of those who truly appreciate your art, with no intermediaries and with a breakthrough technology. This lets you create your own token in representation of your Intellectual Property to build your own artistic economy. Baba Gris is ready to explore these profound waters and that’s why we’re launching the BABA Token on Singular DTV’s Tokit platform. Our Tokit campaign is now active, being Ethereum Blockchain’s first Caribbean rock act to tokenize.
Check out our campaign here.
Get to know us better and help us change the way art gets done from now on!



Baba Gris

Relating the origin, processes and evolution of existence through music.