Pursuing the Imperfection of the Past

in the fruitful manner Today

Babbling Biologist
4 min readSep 13, 2022

I can stay sad and keep talking about what were the issues associated to my past. And I am sure that happens to you too. As soon as you feel comfortable in a chat-box in the modern era (letters in the earlier era), your past starts peeping out from your mind to occupy space in your chat. It is not wrong to share. I do it all the time too. And if you’re feeling like sharing something let’s connect and talk.

How much should you Discuss your Past?

Past, when we talk or chat about it, a part of our brain (biologically) takes us there. We don’t just talk, we get into that moment. How much you can Live that past depends on how much you can feel and recall. In short, it indulges you more into the past and you start analysis by default. Your brain starts to find out other similar memories and starts to collect them around your thoughts. You start to think over and analyze why, how, when, other similarly sad stuff happened to you. Happens to you? 🙂

Analysis of the past is good, but ONLY if it brings you a new idea to deal with it. Once you have found out how to, bingo, move further. For example, I often remember how I felt when the company I served to bring huge projects did not call me in the success party. I often recall how much of an…



Babbling Biologist

PhD taught me to research and write🧠 applying that in every genre of life and blogging! Forever Learning by connecting to people of different cultures🌻