Does excessive Vitamin cause HAIR LOSS??

Natural Sources of each Vitamin your hair need!

Babbling Biologist


Hair growth in fact decreases with consumption of excessive Vitamins (Almohanna et al., 2013)

The Multivitamin Supplements Support Hair Growth by Increasing the factors to grow them Naturally in our body.

Multivitamin Supplements (tablets and gummies) contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, selenium, and zinc as core supplements. All these are certainly connected to hair growth via hormonal involvement in our body. Therefore, the multivitamins certainly support hair growth. However, overconsumption of any vitamin or other nutrient can become harmful in certain ways. By the end of this article you would know the Natural sources of multivitamins, their normal consumption limits, and their proven effects on Hair Growth. But if you want to jump on straight to the summary, click here.

Vitamin A

Effects of Vitamin A on Hair Growth

Proper amount of Vitamin A is needed by body for optimum hair growth. However it is very crucial not to overdo. We in fact suffer from hair loss when we consume more vitamin A than required. Here in this section we are discussing HOW EXACTLY is the vitamin A helpful for the hair growth and thickness.



Babbling Biologist

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