The Pros and Cons of Being A Web Cam Model (In 2020)

Melanie Kelly
16 min readJul 23, 2020


My name is Melanie Kelly, and I’ve been making a full time income as a web cam model for the past 3 years on sites like Chaturbate and Only Fans, working from my bedroom with only a laptop and a camera.

Today, I’m going to share with you what I feel are the pros and cons of being a web cam model, so that you can decide if becoming a web cam girl is right for you.

Advantages of Being a Web Cam Model

1.High Income (Make 3 to 5 Figures a Month)

As a web cam model, you can make a side hustle or a full time income.
How much money you make is up to YOU.

I first started out as a web cam model 2017, in my second year of college.

I didn’t take it seriously at first, and didn’t really know what I was doing.

But within my first month of web camming, I made $866.90 dollars.

I made $866.90 dollars, working only 2 to 3 hours a week.

That’s 8 to 12 hours of work that month. More than I made at my old job as a waitress.

I was speechless.

I thought there was something wrong with Google Chrome.

I kept refreshing the page just to be sure there was no mistake, but the same numbers kept showing up.

I couldn’t believe it…. but I guess the Chaturbate stats never lie:

I still can’t describe how amazing it felt to receive my first paycheck from Chaturbate through the mail.

I bought 2 gorgeous dresses, a cute silver handbag from Zara, put $200 in my savings and spent the rest on a night out in LA at Club Elevate with my friends.

Needless to say, I spent almost all the money I made in only 2 days.

But if I did it once, I knew I could do it again.

I started taking web camming more seriously, working 5 to 10 hours a week (working 2 hours Monday to Friday nights), and I started making even more money than before. I started making 4 figures a month.

I no longer had to borrow money from my parents or friends every time I wanted to buy something or for help to pay the rent.

Now I could make money on my own, and I didn’t have to borrow cash from anyone and feel embarrassed about it.

I finally felt felt financially independent for the FIRST TIME in my life.

It’s a feeling I can never forget, and it motivates me every day.

How I felt after my first paycheck from Chaturbate

Since last year, I’ve been web camming 20 to 30 hours a week, making 3 figures a day, and high 4 figures to 5 figure per month.

Here are my profits statements for June 2020:

I’ll let the numbers speak for themselves.

That’s more than most jobs, more than a doctor or lawyer.

And you can do the same.

You can make money on Chaturbate the same way I did.

Simply create your free Chaturbate account, and read my free in depth guide How To Make Money as a Web Cam Model With Chaturbate in 2020 (Coming Soon)

But how much you make is up to YOU.

How much time you spend camming per week, how much EFFORT you put into it, and how much you interact with your viewers, impact how much money YOU make.

I’ve found in my 3 years of camming that:

  • If you treat it like a job, you can make a good stable 4 figure income.
  • If you treat it like a business, you can even make a 5 figure income.
  • But if you treat it like a side hustle, you’ll only make 3 figures per month.

The choice is up to YOU.

Click Here to Create Your Free Chaturbate Account and start making 4 figures a month

But there’s more to making money as web cam model than just how much time you put into it. If you only work hard but not SMART, you won’t make as much money as you could be.

To MAXIMIZE your income as web cam girl, make sure to Read My Full Guide on How To Make Money as a Web Cam Model on Chaturbate in 2020 here.

“Making money is the main reason I became a web cam model while I was in college.

I needed a fast way to make money to pay my rent, tuition fees and have money to spend when I went out with my friends.

I felt embarrassed constantly having to borrow money from my friends and parents and struggling to pay them back.

Once I started making money as web cam girl, I knew this was the job for me“ — Melanie K

2.Be Your Own Boss (FREEDOM)

Having nobody telling you what to do is so satisfying.
You decide when you work, how long you work for, and what you do.

At my old job as a waitress, I was constantly being yelled at and told what to do by my by old boss. I couldn’t stand it. It’s why I quit.

Now as a web cam model on Chaturbate, I’m my own boss, I am the QUEEN.
I treat myself with respect and I make all the decisions I want.

Create Your Free Chaturbate Account Today

3.Easy To Start

All you need is a web camera, a room with privacy, internet connection and a free Chaturbate account.

Best of all, you don’t need to buy a high end camera or spend any money, you can simply use the camera on your phone, tablet or computer.

If you prefer to use your laptop (or your device doesn’t have a camera) you can buy a cheap high quality webcam from Amazon to attach to your laptop.

The best high quality affordable web cams on Amazon

Now all is left to do is to create a free Chaturbate account.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the sign up form.

Chaturbate Broadcaster Sign Up Form

Once you’ve created your Chaturbate account, you should customize your profile in the My Profile Section — add a display name, profile picture, and bio.

After you’re done, press UPDATE BIO. Here’s an example of a finished profile.

After you’ve customised your profile, press Broadcast Yourself to set up your camera and start your web cam show.

Create your free Chaturbate account today

4.Multiple Sources Of Income (And Passive Income)

As a web cam model, you can have multiple sources of income.

You can make big money doing live shows on Chaturbate. Once you’ve built a fan base on Chaturbate, you can expand to other platforms like Only Fans and Snapchat to bring in extra money and additional sources of income.

You can create an Only Fans account or a private Snap Chat, where your fans pay each month to watch exclusive videos and pictures from you.

And what’s best, YOU set the price for how much your fans will pay each month. They can pay as little as $1 to as much as $200.

The majority of models charge $9.99 to $19.99 a month on Only Fans and private Snap Chats, where Only Fans takes 20% off the profits.

All you have to do is upload pictures and videos to the platform, and answer fan questions — and you’re making a good extra income.

Let’s say you charge $9.99 per month for your Only Fans subscription.
Since the platform takes 20% per subscriber, you will make $7.99 per subscriber each month.

This means:

  • If you have only 100 subscribers, you’ll be bringing in $799 extra per month alongside your Chaturbate income.
  • If you have 200 subscribers, you’ll be making an extra $1598 per month.
  • If you have 500 subscribers, you’ll be bringing home an extra $3995 each month.
  • If you have 1000 subscribers, you’ll be making $7990 per month on Only Fans.

Simply by posting pictures and videos to Only Fans, and answering a couple of fan questions, you’ll be making a 4 figure extra income alongside Chaturbate.

And that’s even with a small follower base of a few hundred subscribers.

Create Your Only Fans Account For Free Here

As you grow your fanbase on Chaturbate and Only Fans, the potential for making money becomes extra sources of income and money is limitless.

5.Receive Paychecks when You Want

As a web cam model on Chaturbate, you can decide how often you receive payments.

You decide if you want a check sent to your house every 2 weeks or once a month, or if you want the money deposited straight to your bank account over wire.

Create your free Chaturbate account today

6.Work Any Time Of Day

No matter the time of day, there will always be an audience to watch your web cam show, since different countries have different time regions.

While the British and Europeans are sleeping, the US and Canadians are awake, ready to watch and spend their money and tokens on web cam shows.

Ideally, work during hours when North America, Europe or Australia are awake, as viewers from these countries are the most likely to spend money.

Having a schedule that you stick to will also make it easier for your regular viewers and fans to watch you, and to build a steady viewership.

7.Work From Anywhere (Freedom To Travel)

When there’s no pandemic, you have the freedom to travel.

You can travel the world and web cam from anywhere.

You can go to Greece, Tokyo, Rome, and any exotic locations you want.

As long as you have privacy, you can web cam from anywhere.

The privacy of your hotel room or Air B and B, and you can start your web cam show.

8.Do What You Love (And Feel Good)

Masturbating and orgasms feels amazing.

Making money from making yourself feel AMAZING, is the icing of the cake.

Cons of Being A Web Cam Model

As many benefits as there are for being a cam girl, there are few extra responsibilities and some cons to keep in mind if you’re considering
becoming a cam girl.

1. It Doesn’t Happen Overnight

You won’t make a full time income in your first day, or become filthy rich within a week — especially if you’re doing it casually 1 or 2 hours a week.

But if you’re serious about it and put in the work, you will get results.

It took me almost 3 months to start making a stable 4 figure income, and 8 months to make a good full time income (high 4 figure to low 5 figures each month).

Once I started camming more often on Chaturbate, putting in more hours per week (around 20 to 30), the money was coming in quickly.

The more effort I put into web camming — the more views I got, and the more fans I made.

I found if I had a schedule, and regularly interacted with my fans, they become more loyal and spent even more money and tokens on my shows, making me even more money.

If you regularly put in the work into Chaturbate, and build a viwership and a fanbase, and interact with your fans — you will succeed on Chaturbate and make a full time income.

Create Your Free Chaturbate Account and start making money as a web cam model today

Put in the work, be consistent and implement the tips in my guide on How To Make Money As a Web Cam Model on Chaturbate in 2020 to MAXIMISE the money you make as web cam girl on Chaturbate

It doesn’t happen over night, it may take a few weeks or even months, but the money you’ll be making from all the hard work you’re putting in is absolutely worth it.

Click Here to Become a Web Cam Model Today

The key with Chaturbate is putting in the work — to get consistent views and built a fan base, which will allow you to increase your income.

The more fans you have, the more money you can make. Especially if the fans are loyal.

For myself and most cam models I know, it takes anywhere from 2 to 4 months to make a good side hustle to low 4 figure income, and 4 to 12 months to make a stable full time income in the 4 to 5 figure range.

2. Responsible For Yourself

Being your own boss is one of the biggest benefits of being a web cam girl.

However, being able to make all your own decisions makes you responsible for yourself when it comes to Taxes, finances and organising yourself and your work.

If you’re not organized, you don’t have as schedule, or any goals, it’s easy to get lazy and distracted, or waste time watching Netflix and get nothing done.

If you have a schedule, are organised and motivated, and set goals for yourself, this won’t be a problem — as you won’t get distracted, and you’ll get things done.

If you want to succeed in the web cam industry, you have to be PROACTIVE, organized, have a schedule, and take action.

Don’t abuse your FREEDOM, or take it for granted.

3.Prepare Your Own Tax Returns (If You Make A Full Time Income From Web Camming)

Chaturbate will send you paychecks.

Cashing in your paychecks and having extra money will feel amazing.

However, if you are your own boss and doing this full time, you will need to do your own Taxes. It’s not as difficult as it seems, you simply fill in a few forms and send them off to your country’s tax return.

It’s not really a con, but an extra responsibility.

It takes me 1 to 2 hours per year to do my Taxes.

To make filling your tax returns quick and easy, keep a spreadsheet with your monthly income and expenses.

Alternatively, you can just pay an account to do your Tax returns for you, which requires almost no effort on your part.

Make sure to read your country’s tax return laws. You can read the UK Tax Return Laws or US Tax Laws here.

4.Social Media Presence

This is not a con, but an extra work load if you want to make big money as a web cam model (in the high 4 figure to 5 figure range).

If you’re simply looking for a 3 figure or low 4 figure income, you can get away with only web cam modelling on Chaturbate and having no social media.

Be prepared to create and manage an online profile on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or Only Fans to grow your online presence and brand.

Twitter is the easier social media to build a fan base on, as Twitter doesn’t ban adult content and isn’t strict about you post like Instagram.

And Only Fans is a perfect way to add an extra source of recurring income to your Chaturbate web cam shows. You can also do this by creating and selling membership for a private snap chat.

Focus on building 2 of the social media’s above alongside Chaturbate, e.g,

  • Instagram and Only Fans, or
  • Twitter and Only Fans or
  • Instagram and Private Snapchat or
  • Twitter and Private Snapchat

Uploading a few videos to sites like Pornhub can also boost your viewership and popularity on Chaturbate, as well as make you extra income with the Pornhub Models program.

Make sure to include your Chaturbate profile name in the title and a link to your Chaturbate page in the description of the vidoe.

Click here to sign up to the Pornhub Models program

The payoff with social media and video sites is worth the effort, as you will get more viewers and make more money.

Posting pictures/videos to Reddit communities is also great way to build an audience for your web cam site. The best communities to post to are r/GoneWild and r/NSFW and r/bigtitsinbikinis and r/NSFWLingerie.

Make sure to include a link to your Chaturbate profile and your Chaturbate profile name in the description of your posts on Reddit.

Creating a community for your webcam profile and posting there as well is great to boost the number of fans.

5.Your Info Stays On The Internet (Con)

Unless you delete your profile and all your videos, everything you do stays online. Potential employers and people you know may find your profile.

This is why it’s important to use a web cam name different to your real name, so that people won’t find this info if they search your name online.

Needless to say, don’t use your childhood’s pet name and street name in your web cam girl/porn name.

Out of all the cons, this is the scariest thing working as a webcam model.

If you are planning to build a career latter in your life, choosing to be a web cam girl is risky and can limit your choices later in life
IF employers or potential employers find out.

However, the chances they find this information is very low.

If you want to become a teacher, doctor, or lawyer or build a professional career, becoming a web cam model is not the best choice

There is also possibility that someone records your show and uploads it to Pornhub or XVideos.

If this happens, you can get the video reported and taken down. However the probability that your video is taken and uploaded is low, as there are thousands of webcam models working at the same time you work,

And even if it is recorded and uploaded to sites like Pornhub, it will make you more popular and bring you more views.

If you’re super popular (think top 100 pornstars on Pornhub), people might make MEMES.

6.Someone You Know May Find Out

Someone you know stumbling upon your Chaturbate profile would make an be one of the more awkward situations.

However, the chances of this are very low — if you’re mainly active on Chaturbate and are online when people in your area are asleep.

7.For Most, The Job Is Not A Life Career

I’ve been doing this for the past 3 years, and will continue to do it for at least another few years. I enjoy it and I love it.

But for some, this is not a life long career — especially if they want to start a career in something else or settle down and have a family.

Some women are also put off by age — the are afraid that as they age, they might get less popular and not be able to make a living as a web cam model.

However, that’s not the case.

It’s true your age and how you look affects how popular you will be and how much money you’ll make. But the broad ranges of interests makes it possible for anyone of any shape to have an audience.

But if you look after yourself, eat healthy and keep in shape, being an older web cam model shouldn’t be a problem, because you’ll still look good. You will be considered a MILF or a hot mature woman.

MILFS and older woman will always be a popular niche on webcams and adult websites — and you will still be able to make a living from it.

Think of Lisa Ann, Kendra Lust and Brandi Love — they’re in their late 30’s and early 40’s and 50's, but are still some of the most popular adult film stars bringing in the cash.

Kendra Lust

In the web cam and adult industry, turn over is high. Everyday, new models join the industry, and after a few months or years, they decide to leave.

However, those who look after themselves and create a brand stay in the game for decades (think Lisa Ann, Brandi Love).


Being a web cam model has many pros and cons. In my opinion, the pros far outweigh the cons, and there is a lot to gain from being a web cam model.

  • The freedom of being your own boss and making as much money as you want
  • Working your own hours
  • How fast, cheap and easy it is to become a web cam model and build a loyal regular fanbase that makes you money

Makes it an attractive option for a side hustle or full time job.

If this sounds good, becoming a web cam model is the right step for YOU.

Create Your Free Chaturbate Account Today, and start making 4 figures per month as a web cam model

You can read my full free guide How To Make Money As a Web Cam Model On Chaturbate In 2020 to learn more tips and tricks and start making money as web cam model today

However, if you are concerned about your public image, and family and potential employers finding your videos and profiles online, or simply are afraid to put yourself in front of a camera — becoming a web cam model might NOT be for you.



Melanie Kelly

Web Cam Model and Writer. Self Development Enthusiast.