Mastering Git Hooks and GitHub Actions: Automate Your Version Control Workflow”

Giri Babu
4 min readNov 9, 2023


Git, the popular version control system, offers a powerful feature known as “hooks” that allows developers to customize and automate various aspects of their workflow. Git hooks are scripts that run at specific points in the Git workflow, enabling you to enforce coding standards, trigger automated tasks, and streamline collaboration. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of Git hooks, how to use them locally and on GitHub, and provide a couple of examples to help you get started.

What Are Git Hooks?

Git hooks are scripts that Git executes before or after specific events occur in the repository. These scripts can be written in any scripting language, such as shell scripts, Python, or Ruby, and they are stored in the .git/hooks directory within your Git repository. There are two main categories of Git hooks: client-side and server-side.

Client-Side Hooks:

Client-side hooks are scripts that run on your local machine. These hooks can help you maintain code quality and ensure that your local commits meet certain standards. Here are a few common client-side hooks:

pre-commit: This hook is executed just before you create a local commit. It allows you to perform checks like linting or ensuring that all tests pass.

prepare-commit-msg: This hook runs after the commit message is prepared but before the commit is finalized. You can use it to modify or pre-fill commit messages.

post-commit: After a commit is successfully made, this hook can be used for tasks like sending notifications or updating documentation.

Server-Side Hooks:

Server-side hooks are typically used in collaborative environments, such as GitHub. They allow you to enforce project-wide policies and ensure that all contributions meet specific criteria. Here are a few common server-side hooks:

pre-receive: This hook runs on the server before Git processes any pushed commits. It is often used to enforce policies like branch naming conventions or ensuring commits are signed.

update: The update hook is similar to pre-receive, but it is executed once for each branch being updated.

post-receive: After commits have been accepted, this hook can be used to trigger actions like deploying the code to a production server.

Using Git Hooks Locally:

To use Git hooks locally, follow these steps:

• Navigate to your Git repository.

• Inside the .git/hooks directory, you’ll find sample hook files with .sample extensions. These are templates for various hooks. Remove the .sample extension from the hook you want to use, e.g., pre-commit.sample to pre-commit.

• Write your custom hook script in the appropriate file. Ensure it is executable.

• Test your hook by making a commit. If the hook script returns a non-zero exit code, the commit will be rejected.

Using Git Hooks on GitHub:

GitHub offers a similar feature called “Actions” for automating workflows. While not precisely the same as Git hooks, they serve a similar purpose in a collaborative environment. Here’s how to set up Actions on GitHub:

• Go to your GitHub repository.

• Click on the “Actions” tab.

• Create a new workflow file in the .github/workflows directory of your repository. This file defines the steps to run when specific events occur, such as push or pull requests.

• Define your workflow using YAML syntax. You can specify triggers, jobs, and steps to automate tasks.

• Once your workflow is defined, it will automatically execute based on the defined triggers.

Example 1: Pre-commit Hook

Let’s create a simple pre-commit hook that checks for trailing whitespaces before allowing a commit. Save the following script as .git/hooks/pre-commit:

Now, whenever you try to commit with trailing whitespaces, Git will prevent the commit.

Example 2: GitHub Actions

Suppose you want to set up a GitHub Action to automatically build and deploy your project on every push to the main branch. Create a workflow file in .github/workflows/main.yml with the following content:

This action will be triggered on every push to the main branch, building and deploying your project automatically.

In conclusion, Git hooks and GitHub Actions are powerful tools for customizing and automating your version control workflow. They help maintain code quality, enforce project policies, and streamline collaboration. Whether you’re working locally or on GitHub, understanding and using these features can greatly enhance your development process.

