Science of Cryopreservation in cord blood stem cell banking

2 min readAug 25, 2016


Stem cell storage and Cryopreservation:

Cord Blood:

Once the cord blood is collected, it is processed and sealed in a cryogenic freezing bag.


The best stem cell banking service providers ensure that the stem cell storage is done in medically registered storage vaults (liquid nitrogen tanks).

In this process, the stem cells are stored in the vapour phase above liquid nitrogen at -196 C. At this temperature the process of ageing of the cells is ceased and stem cells remain fresh, viable and usable.

The best stem cell banks ensure that the umbilical cord blood stem cells are carefully cryopreserved in a sterile environment. Besides, they also provide a certificate of cryopreservation.

So what is cryopreservation?

Cryopreservation is a method that is used to store stem cells at extremely low temperatures. In this process, the stem cells are extracted from the umbilical cord blood, processed and then preserved at -196ᵒc. The process uses cryobags to store the cord blood specimens in tanks that are kept -196 degree Celsius using liquid nitrogen supply. At such a low temperature, the metabolic rate of stem cells slows down drastically and keeps it safe and strong for future use.

How cryopreservation works?

For cells to survive the process of cryopreservation, they have to maintain the water balance inside and across the membrane. This movement enables cells to balance the external pressure created by the formation of ice in the cryopreservant. As a result, cryopreservants not only act as an osmotic gradient to aid water’s movement across the membrane, but also as an antifreeze. This helps in prevention of ice formation.

Besides the above, research has also shown great advancement in use of stem cells in the field of regenerative medicine. The sole aim of these regenerative medicines is to replace, regrow or enhance the function of damaged tissues or organs using original and natural cells of body. As a result, this accelerates and ensures natural healing without any side-effects and additional expenses of drugs.

Stem cell banking:

The umbilical cord blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells. These stem cells have the ability to regenerate into different cell types. As these cells have the potential to cure more than 80 different diseases and disorders, preserving cord blood stem cells will provide benefits in times of emergency. With the advancement of technology, it is now possible to preserve cord blood stem cells. By opting for stem cell banking and storing stem cells, you can use them in future for treatment of diseases and disorders such as leukaemia, diabetes, congenital heart disease, cerebral palsy, HIV and more.

Image Source: newlifeindia

Content Source: Babycell




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