2 min readJan 19, 2016

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking — A need for healthy society

5 unique qualities that make umbilical cord blood banking a need for healthy society.

Umbilical cord blood banking is the process of collecting and preserving your baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cells for future medical uses.

  1. Collecting umbilical cord stem cells is a quick and easy procedure and painless for the mother and baby.
  2. Stem cells from the umbilical cord blood are young and unexposed to the external environment, thus they can be transplanted with higher chances of acceptance in the patient body.
  3. The therapeutic potential of umbilical cord stem cells is vast. These stem cells are already being used to treat more than 80 life threatening diseases.
  4. Cord blood stem cells are genetically unique and exclusive. If your family has a history of complex diseases, like: Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Heart disease and stroke, chances of your children inheriting them are higher. These life threatening diseases can be cured with cord blood. All the more reason why you should opt for preservation of cord blood stem cells.
  5. Umbilical cord stem cells if preserved are readily available in case of emergency for the baby and family. This ensures that in situations of crisis, you wouldn’t have to spend months or years finding a donor.

Facts about Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

According to the WHO report, minimum 2000 Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplants are performed annually to cure diseases such as leukemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassaemia, cerebral palsy, myeloma, lymphoma and more. More than 35000 cord blood stem cell transplants have already been performed worldwide and 53% of cord blood transplants have been performed in children. (World Cord Blood Congress 2015 Report).

Umbilical Cord Banking in India

As a parent, how will you choose the right umbilical cord bank for your baby? Here’s a simple guide for Umbilical Cord Banking in India


1. Take a presentation from various stem cell banks in your city

2. Educate yourself about stem cell benefits, cord blood research and Google Search about

a. Benefits of Stem cell banking

b. Potential of stem cells

c. Stem Cell Banking In India

d. Cord Blood Banking

e. Umbilical Cord Banking in India

3. Talk to your friends and Read Client Testimonials on the websites of Stem Cell Banks

4. Find out about their Technology

5. Check their Transport and Cryopreservation Facilities

6. Evaluate the cost

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Babycell is brought to you by Regenerative Medical Services Pvt. Ltd A leading company in stem cell therapies and banking.