4 min readJan 7, 2024

Fortifying Futures, this Crane will not leave his cage for a Century!

BABY KIZUNA has locked down its PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool Tokens (LP tokens) using MUDRA LOCKER. Locking down the LP tokens for a century is a significant move in the cryptocurrency space, particularly for projects on the Binance Smart Chain. This decision showcases a strong commitment to security and stability, enhancing investor confidence and underscoring the project’s long-term vision.

Understanding Liquidity Locking

Liquidity locking is a crucial process in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, aimed at ensuring a stable trading environment and reducing the risk of fraudulent activities like rug pulls. In a rug pull, developers abruptly withdraw liquidity from a pool, causing the token’s value to plummet, often to zero. By locking LP tokens in a smart contract for a predetermined period, developers effectively renounce the ability to access these funds, thereby safeguarding investor interests. This mechanism is particularly important in the early stages of a crypto project, where trust and stability are paramount.

Mechanics of Liquidity Locking

When developers create a liquidity pool on a decentralized exchange (DEX), they receive LP tokens, representing their share in the pool. Locking these tokens means placing them in a smart contract, making them inaccessible for the set duration. This lock can either be time-based, milestone-based, or achieved by sending the LP tokens to a burn address, ensuring they are inaccessible forever. Time-based locks are the most common, where tokens are released after a specific period automatically.

Benefits of Liquidity Locking

  1. Enhanced Market Stability: By ensuring a constant liquidity pool, the trading environment for the token becomes more stable, with reduced price volatility.
  2. Investor Attraction and Confidence: Investors are more likely to trust and invest in a project with locked liquidity, as it reduces the risk of rug pulls and demonstrates a long-term commitment by the developers.
  3. Transparency and Trust: Utilizing third-party services with audited smart contracts for liquidity locking, like MUDRA LOCKER, adds an extra layer of transparency and trust, as these smart contracts are immutable once set.

Considerations and Potential Challenges

While liquidity locking is a positive step, it’s important to be aware of its limitations. For instance, developers might still have the ability to mint more tokens, potentially diluting the token’s value. Furthermore, only a portion of the total supply might be locked, leaving room for manipulative practices. Therefore, thorough due diligence is essential when considering investment in any crypto project.

BABY KIZUNA’s Strategic Move

By locking their LP tokens for 100 years and compensating MUDRA LOCKER with 0.5% of these tokens, BABY KIZUNA not only fortifies its project against common DeFi pitfalls but also signals a strong belief in its longevity and success. This move aligns with honoring the legacy of KIZUNA and its ancestors, demonstrating a gesture of sharing and caring, and reinforcing the project’s commitment to its community and investors.

BABY KIZUNA’s decision to lock down its LP tokens is a commendable step, reflecting foresight and responsibility in the dynamic and often unpredictable world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This move, indicative of a secure and trustworthy environment, paves the way for a more stable and credible future in the DeFi sector.

In addition to the BABY KIZUNA project locking down its PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool Tokens (LP tokens) for a century, it’s also noteworthy that KIZUNA itself has locked its LP tokens. This further reinforces the commitment to stability and security within the ecosystem.

Telegram: @BabyKizunaOfficial
Twitter/X: @BabyKizuna

Creator Wallet: 0xaadb9305ef545652424dc526c99F29c8e6C92c04

Contract Address: 0x1b2D35aeb6a441429B10A89b9aDa2256f1E7c47a
Chain: Binance Smart Chain

Verified Contract Link:

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"Behold the birth of BABY KIZUNA, a fully decentralized AI-powered token on the Binance Smart Chain, inspired by KIZUNA.