Farm $BABY on Cropper.Finance

Baby Samo Coin
2 min readNov 23, 2021

Step-by-step guide to yield farming with your $BABY
  1. Go to Cropper.Finance and navigate to the “Farms” tab.
  2. Select “Permissionless” on the drop down menu and type “BABY” in the search bar.

3. Select the $BABY — $USDC farm that has a value provided in “Remaining rewards” and has the highest amount of Liquidity (clouded in green) to confirm you are in the correct farm with $BABY reward emissions from the Core Team.

4. Click “Stake” to add your $BABY — $USDC to the Cropper Farm.

Note: if you deposit your $BABY — $USDC into the Liquidity Pool on Cropper.Finance before navigating to the Farm, you can deposit your LP tokens into the Farm via “Stake LP”.

4. Once you open the “Supply & Stake LP” UI, you will input the amount of $BABY — $USDC that you would like to deposit for farming. You must input an equal amount of $BABY and $USDC, but the protocol matches the amounts for you. After selecting your position size, click “Supply & Stake”.

Phantom Wallet

5. Approve the transaction via the browser wallet of your choice.

6. Congratulations! You are now farming $BABY — $USDC. You can monitor the value of your position under the “Staked” column and you can retrieve your $BABY rewards by clicking “Harvest”. Happy Farming!

