List and Indications of The Bach Flower Remedies

Type and mood Remedies

The Bach flower remedies are grouped into remedies based on personality type and mood. Each of the 38 remedies can be a mood remedy, meaning that any person, regardless of their personality type can become overwhelmed by a specific mood (fear, doubt, jealousy, anger).

Remedies describing personality types give us an idea how people often or usually react when things go wrong. Once we recognize ourselves in one of the remedies, that information is used to look at who we are and what weak points in our lives need improvement. If impatience is one of our personality traits, it (impatience) will repeatedly, many times in our lives, be the cause of new inner imbalances.

For very practical reasons, Dr. Bach never made a defnitive list of remedies that reflect a Personality type. Working with people he gained experience and realized, like all of us who do similar work, where people are concerned anything is possible and that there are always exceptions. A person would always appear who did not fit the specified profile.

The Seven Groups of Remedies

  1. For Those Who Suffer From Fear
  2. For Those Who Suffer From Uncertainty
  3. For Those Who Have Insufficient Interest In Their Present Circumstances
  4. For Loneliness
  5. For Oversensitivity To Influence And Ideas
  6. For Despondency Or Despair
  7. For The Overcare For Welfare Of Others

List Of The Remedies And Their Uses

  1. Aspen — for fear and anxiety of an unknown origin
  2. Agrimony — for inner suffering and anguish hidden by a smiling or brave face
  3. Beech — for intolerance towards diversity in others (appearance, behavior, attitudes); enables us to acquire the skill to accept something or someone we neither like nor can change, with serenity
  4. Centaury — for those who do not know how to say „No“
  5. Cerato — for those who are not confident in their assessment or decision
  6. Cherry Plum — for loss of self-control and for fear they could hurt themselves or others;
  7. Chestnut Bud — unable to understand what causes those bad results or consequences; tendency to repeat errors; the inability to learn from experience
  8. Chicory — for selfish, possessive, domineering people in relation with closest to them
  9. Clematis — for dreamers, those who escapes reality by living in their ideas and future
  10. Crab Apple — for those who are dissatisfied with their appearance; obsessed with order and cleanliness, for cleansing the body and mind
  11. Elm — for an acute crisis of confidence; when bending under additional duties and/or increased level of responsibility with feeling that it goes beyond one
  12. Gentian — for discouragement and despondency after failure and before the next step
  13. Gorse — for hopelessness and pessimism
  14. Heather — for people obsessed with themselves, self-centered, narcissistic
  15. Holly — aggression towards others, hatred, jealousy, suspicion, malice, anger
  16. Honeysuckle — for those who live in the past, mourning for times past, nostalgia
  17. Impatiens — for impatient, hasty people
  18. Larch — for lack of self confidence; inferiority complex
  19. Mimulus — for everyday, common fears and anxieties, when a person knows what they are afraid of; also for shyness and timidity
  20. Mustard — for sudden depression and dark moods, with no apparent reason in the circumstances where attack occurs
  21. Oak — for strong, capable people struggling to overcome the limits of their strength
  22. Olive — for fatigue after exertion
  23. Pine — for excessive responsibility and tendency to feel guilty
  24. Red Chestnut — for anxiety, fear and worry that something bad could happen to a loved one or someone close
  25. Rock Rose — for terror and extreme fear and panic attacks
  26. Rock Water — for excessive self-control and mental rigidity; perfectionist
  27. Scleranthus — for inabilities to choose between alternatives, indecision
  28. Star of Bethlehem — for shock and grief after a personal loss or trauma
  29. Sweet Chestnut — for „a broken heart“, despair, when there is no escape
  30. Vervain — for idealists, overpowered by their excessive enthusiasm, over-sensitive to the injustice in the world; always ready to „swim against the tide“, „to right wrongs“
  31. Vine — for dominant people who tend to rule others with an „iron fist“
  32. Walnut — for protection from change and outside influences; for optimum adaptation
  33. Water Violet — for withdrawn, self-sufficient people who may seem proud and even arrogant; incapable to have intimacy and keep autonomy in the same time
  34. White Chestnut — for concern; haunting thoughts that we would be happy to be rid of
  35. Wild Oat — for uncertainty in the meaning of one’s existence, lack of overall direction
  36. Wild Rose — for laziness, resignation for everything that is happening, apathy
  37. Willow — for self-pity, offensiveness and placing blame on others
  38. Rescue Remedy — Emergency Formula for acute stress

Continue reading and find more about the remedies, dosing, characteristics, methods of use, emotional and mental states in the book: The Bach Flower Remedies: Floral Pharmacy in Psychotherapy, Description of Emotional and Mental States



Psychotherapy and Bach Flower Remedies

Milena Kostic — Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner