Niche Edits Backlinks for Diversifying Your Link Profile and Increasing Your Site’s Ranking

Backlinks Company
3 min readFeb 18, 2020


What are Niche Edits Backlinks?

Also known as Curated Links, Niche Edits Backlinks are link placements in existing blogs or posts. They provide a solid backlinks base for any website and ultimately, increase its search engine ranking. It is a great technique to increase the power of your website and maintains a strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) link profile.

Types of Niche Edits Backlinks

There are three basic types of Niche Edits Backlinks:

White Hat Niche Edits

White Hat Niche Edits is a technique through which a blogger acquires a safe and authentic link. It is usually done by going to a relevant blog and engaging in Guest Posting. Thus, by doing this, you get that page’s link. Despite being a protracted method, it is still ethical and safe.

Grey Hat Niche Edits

Grey Hat Niche Edits imply that you go to a blog and simply offer money to the owner for providing you with a link placement. This method is, however, against Google rules.

Black Hat Niche Edits

Black Hat Niche Edits are the most unethical and risky way of acquiring links. It is because these links are mostly hacked and often get removed instantly by Google.

Hence, it is always recommended to go for White Hat Links, which are safe, ethical and long-lasting.

Acquiring Niche Edits Backlinks; What to Consider

Acquiring Niche Edits Backlinks can be done free of cost as well as through paying. For free links, you need to look up for websites that have similar articles as yours. Secondly, ask the webmasters of those sites if they are willing to provide you with link placements. It is up to them, however, whether they ascent to or decline your request.

Apart from this, it is also important to consider link velocity and anchor text diversity for building links on relevant sites.

In addition, it should also be considered that the Niche Edits Backlink is placed on the website or page with how much authority. Websites with weak authority will not get you authenticity or expected rankings.

Also, how much relevant is the article to your site? Do not forget to consider this.

Lastly, check whether there already are a lot of links on that page or website, because a lot of links placed on one site will not prove to be much effective in acquiring proper link juice.

Finding the Best Niche Edits Backlinks

There is an easy and simple way to find out which backlinks work best for your Niche;

  • Find out what kind of content the audience mostly prefers. It can be seen from Instagram posts, Facebook posts, Infographics of interactive nature, memes etc. Also, how the audience responds to this content and to what extent. Find out which websites have the most interactive and relevant content to your Niche.
  • Study your competitors’ strategies and try to surpass them. This can be done by monitoring backlinks and keeping a record of Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).
  • Be unique and original in your Niche and find your Unique Selling Position/Point (USP). This will keep you Niche-focused and relevant to find strong backlinks.

Are Niche Edits Safe?

There is a debate going on among affiliate marketers regarding the usage of Niche Edits. Some consider it a safe way while others do not. However, generally speaking, Niche Edits are safer than Private Blog Network (PBN), in a sense, that they do not involve long process of writing Guest Posts.

In conclusion, Niche Edits Backlinks helps to generate links from authority websites, which increases your site’s ranking and authenticity. Niche Edits are one of the most powerful links that enhance the influence and understanding of your content for the audience. Thus, they need to be implemented in online marketing experiences as an important SEO tool to generate business lead.

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