The Best Photography Equipment for Beginners

Dvooz. com
5 min readDec 12, 2017


Looking to put your first step in the world of photography, but worried about picking the wrong equipment. You have come to right place, this has been a common problem among the newbies out there. Many have come to us raising the concern that, is there any photography kit for beginners which will fulfill all their needs. There are different views on this matter some say there are no ultimate solution for this problem and some believes in setting a specific photography kit for the beginners depending on their personal experience.

As far as our experience is concerned, we believe there might not be a defined set of photography equipment for beginners, but if an individual chooses their first device wisely it can definitely save them from lots of trouble. Here in this blog we are listing some essential photo gear which I think every beginner photographer should have irrespective of the kind of photography they are into. Whether you’re into portrait photographer, contour, landscape this list of products will help you take things to the next level while keeping its cost low and creativity high.


If there is one single photo accessory that I strongly suggest would be the reflectors. A reflectors let the light bounce into a scene either from a strobe or available light onto the subject. They come in a variety of colors one can pick any depending on their usage. I personally prefer the black and silver one as it offers a better quality light. There are lots of brands to pick, my personal pick out of many is the Visico RF 405 as it offers slight fill light to my images. I use it often when I have to do beauty photography to open up the shadows under various areas, overall it offers me a consistent light on my subject. I highly recommend RF 405 as it will give you everything a beginner photographer would be looking in their reflector at the price of 1700 only.


The equipment that would come second in my list would be the lens. It’s a non arguable point that the lens is more important than the camera itself as the lens works for the quality of the image while camera only record the subject coming through lens. A lens could be priced between 5k to 10k, you could pick one as per your budget. My recommendation would be canon 50mm f/1.8, perfect for the beginners as it will cost them only 6500.


True that a camera itself is sufficient for fixing the low light issues on the other hand, what I believe is one can’t consider themselves a true photographer if he/she don’t have mastered the usage of studio lighting. Having a hands on photography lighting for a beginner could be expensive because strobes can cost you a lot of pennies. What beginner could do is they can start with an off camera flash. In this department Yongnou YN 660 is the best available option in the market with near about 6K. Speaking of light another lighting option which may not be as versatile as Yongnou flash, but LED light like Visico 209A light your subjects for video and photography and can be easily mounted to the camera. It contains a total of 209 pieces of LED and can run about 1 hour. It will cost you around 12K, but will certainly stands value for their money.


The next photography equipment on the list goes way back to the early days of photography. It’s the tripod since its arrival in the photography industry the equipment has progressed a lot. Our pick on this department would be Manfrotto 190, the 3-S Horiz col provides a professional touch to your work. If you’re into landscape, portrait photography or video then a tripod is one of the vital accessories to have. It helps in increasing the sharpness of the image and enhance the ability to explore creative expression. Manfrotto 190 will only cost you like 13K excluding the tax.


Last but not the least would be a carry bag which will keep your status always ready. Think about it, you have spent quite a good amount in purchasing all the necessary equipments and you can’t protect them while travelling. This is where Manfrotto Multi-pro 120 PL backpack would be a must thing to purchase. The ultimate durable case would charge you about 20K.

Your next move should be login to and purchase all the above listed in the best price possible. We are a genuine vendor in the market offering good quality photography equipments. It’s been quite a long time for us in the business and in our journey to deliver optimal quality photography products we have learned a lot. The above list of beginner photography equipment is the result of the same that we have learned from our experience. Before coming with the final list we have consulted many professional photographer and take their suggestion then only we have been able to come with this complete set of photography kit for beginners. Stay connected with us and we will come with more such amazing list of photography equipment

