Unlocking Blockchain Potential with Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer

Backpac Inc
5 min readSep 15, 2023


Blockchain technology has revolutionized industries, offering unprecedented security, transparency, and trust in digital transactions. However, as blockchain applications grow in complexity and scale, ensuring reliable and efficient communication with blockchain networks becomes increasingly challenging. This is where Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer comes to the rescue, simplifying the management of RPC (Remote Procedure Call) requests for blockchain applications.

What is Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer?

Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer is a powerful tool designed to streamline and optimize the way your application interacts with blockchain networks. It ensures dependable RPC connectivity and offers a range of features to enhance performance, scalability, and reliability.

Unleash the Power of RPC Request Customization

Custom RPC Providers

Diversify Your RPC Ecosystem Spread workloads across various RPC providers, including QuickNode, to gain heightened flexibility and control over your system’s performance. Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer allows you to tailor your RPC provider selection to your specific needs. By diversifying the range of RPC endpoints available for load balancing, you can optimize your blockchain applications and ensure uninterrupted service delivery.

Top RPC Providers

Choose What Suits You Best Select from a range of established and dependable RPC providers, including QuickNode, and other integrated options. This feature empowers you to make choices that align precisely with your system’s requirements. Access trusted RPC providers effortlessly to support the growth and reliability of your blockchain applications.

Custom Load Balancer Target Groups

Efficiency at Its Best Efficiently manage your RPC resources with custom target groups. Backpac distributes incoming traffic evenly among RPC nodes, ensuring scalability and performance optimization. This capability enables customized routing strategies and optimal load balancing, enhancing the efficiency of your blockchain interactions.

Global Regions

Low Latency, Everywhere Global distribution of RPC requests ensures that regardless of your users’ geographic locations when making RPC requests, they will consistently experience the lowest possible latency. Our network infrastructure spans the globe, providing a seamless experience for your users worldwide.

Latency-Reducing Smart Caching

Optimizing RPC Call Latency Our smart caching system is designed to reduce RPC call latency in blockchain networks. It intelligently caches results based on specific RPC methods and block times, optimizing the performance of your blockchain applications. Say goodbye to delays and bottlenecks.

Block Height Routing

Stay Up-to-Date, Always Our load balancer employs intelligent routing, directing traffic to the RPC provider with the highest blockchain block height. This enhances the precision and dependability of your blockchain services and applications by ensuring access to the most up-to-date data. With Backpac, you’re always in sync with the blockchain.

Intelligent RPC Method Routing

Simplify Your Configuration Our intelligent RPC method routing system automates the selection of the right RPC node for specific calls. This simplifies user configuration and enables a single RPC endpoint for all blockchain interactions. It seamlessly matches requests with compatible RPC nodes, eliminating manual node selection and ensuring efficient execution.

For example, it can route the qn_fetchNFTCollectionDetails RPC Method to QuickNode with ease.

With Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer, you’re not just accessing a load balancing tool; you’re harnessing the full potential of customization, reliability, and performance for your blockchain applications. Make every RPC request count and keep your blockchain operations running smoothly with Backpac.

Custom Listener Rules: Tailoring Traffic for Optimal Performance

In our journey to unlock the full potential of Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer, let’s dive into an essential feature that gives you even more control and flexibility: Custom Listener Rules.

What are Custom Listener Rules?

Custom Listener Rules are your secret weapon for intelligent traffic steering. They allow you to finely tune how traffic is directed within your application based on specific criteria such as HTTP headers, RPC methods, source IPs, and forwarding preferences. This level of customization streamlines traffic flow, optimizes performance, and enhances the scalability and reliability of your application.

Benefits of Custom Listener Rules

Precision Traffic Management

With Custom Listener Rules, you can ensure that incoming traffic is directed exactly where it’s needed. For example, you can route requests for specific RPC methods to designated RPC nodes, ensuring that critical functions are handled by the most capable resources.

Enhanced Performance

By intelligently routing traffic based on criteria like HTTP headers, you can optimize the performance of your application. For instance, you can direct traffic with specific headers to servers optimized for handling certain types of requests, ultimately improving response times.


Custom Listener Rules are instrumental in scaling your application efficiently. Distributing traffic based on source IPs or forwarding preferences allows you to balance the load among your resources, ensuring that no single node is overwhelmed, even during traffic spikes.


In the world of blockchain and RPC-driven applications, reliability is paramount. Custom Listener Rules enable you to build redundancy into your setup. You can configure rules to automatically reroute traffic in case of a node failure, minimizing downtime and ensuring uninterrupted service delivery.

How to Set Up Custom Listener Rules

Setting up Custom Listener Rules with Backpac is straightforward. In just a few clicks, you can define rules that match your application’s unique requirements. Whether you need to route traffic based on specific HTTP headers, RPC methods, or other criteria, the intuitive interface makes it easy to configure the rules that best suit your needs.

To get started with Custom Listener Rules and leverage this powerful feature, visit your Backpac dashboard and navigate to the Load Balancer settings. From there, you can create, modify, or delete rules to tailor your traffic management strategy.

In conclusion, Custom Listener Rules are an indispensable tool for optimizing your application’s performance, scalability, and reliability. With Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer and Custom Listener Rules, you’re not just managing traffic; you’re crafting a finely-tuned orchestration of resources to meet your application’s unique demands. Unlock the power of customization and take your blockchain applications to new heights with Backpac.

Feature Overview:

  1. Customizable Configurations: Backpac empowers you to tailor your RPC configurations to your specific needs. Customize your setup to achieve optimal performance.
  2. Efficient Load Balancing: It efficiently distributes RPC requests among QuickNode, other leading infrastructure providers, and custom RPC service providers, ensuring that your application always has access to the resources it needs.
  3. Proactive Reliability: The load balancer automatically routes requests to active RPC endpoints with the highest block height, minimizing downtime and ensuring uninterrupted service delivery.
  4. Latency Reduction: Backpac optimizes regional distribution and caching based on blockchain block times, resulting in reduced latency and improved system performance.

Getting Started with Backpac

With Backpac, you can:

  • Utilize custom RPC providers to diversify workloads.
  • Choose from top RPC providers for trusted access.
  • Efficiently manage RPC resources with custom target groups.
  • Distribute RPC requests efficiently across regions.
  • Reduce RPC call latency with smart caching.
  • Supports for thousands of RPC requests per second.
  • Employ block height routing for up-to-date data.
  • Implement intelligent RPC method routing for seamless interactions.

Unlock the full potential of your blockchain applications with Backpac’s Smart Global RPC Load Balancer. Start today and experience a new level of performance, reliability, and efficiency. #Blockchain #RPC #LoadBalancing #Backpac #solana #gnosis #bnb #bsc #polygon #matic

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Backpac Inc

🌐 Fast and Resilient Blockchain Access. Ensuring dependable RPC connectivity to the blockchain.