Back To Mind Physiotherapy

Back To Mind West Palm Beach
3 min readMar 10, 2023


4700 N Congress Ave #202
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(954) 986–4559

Back To Mind Physiotherapy

Back To Mind, Physiotherapy near me is a new therapy from the University of Sydney that uses sensorimotor retraining to help people with chronic back pain. It’s designed to change your understanding of what causes your pain, normalize how you communicate with your back and brain, and gradually retrain them to work together again.


A Chiropractor near me can treat a variety of conditions. They can work on the spine, joints, and other parts of your body to help relieve pain, improve mobility, and prevent injury.

They can also use spinal decompression to pull the vertebrae away from one another and relieve pressure on the compressed nerves. This is a unique treatment that may offer long-term relief from back and neck pain.

A chiropractor can also diagnose and treat spinal subluxations and spinal decompression, which are the tiniest misalignments in your spinal structure that cause pain. They can adjust the spinal column to return it to its proper alignment and eliminate your pain.

Chiropractic Therapy

Chiropractic Therapy and chiropractic adjustment is a form of complementary therapy that works to improve a person’s overall health and prevent injuries. It can help treat back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

It may also be helpful in preventing future injuries, like car accidents or sports injuries. In addition, it can decrease the need for surgery or prescription medications.

Nutritional Counseling

Back To Mind Physiotherapy provides nutrition counseling that can help you improve your eating habits and eat the foods that your body needs. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight and boost your immune system.

A nutrition counselor works to develop a plan that is suited to your needs, whether you are dealing with mental health issues or chronic illnesses. They can also provide education on how certain foods can affect your health and make recommendations for dietary supplements.

Nutritional counseling is essential in many situations, including preventing disease, managing chronic illness, and maintaining a healthy diet for those with an eating disorder. It can also help you manage your mental health and reduce depression.

Injury Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy is an important part of injury rehabilitation services. It can help restore movement, reduce pain, and improve function.

It also helps prevent future injuries. During auto-injury treatments, patients receive treatment from a therapist and learn how to do exercises properly.

The team at Back To Mind Physiotherapy will create a plan of treatment that is customized to your needs and goals. Our goal is to get you back to your daily activities quickly and safely.

The most important part of the injury rehabilitation process is following your physiotherapist’s instructions and being committed to the rehabilitation routine. You’ll also want to avoid distractions and negative thoughts while you heal.

Family Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic care offers your family a healthy foundation for life. This is because it works to focus on the musculoskeletal system and how misalignment of the spine can impact health issues.

In addition to treating back and neck pain, chiropractors also use spinal manipulation and dry-needlin techniques to help people improve their overall health. These methods remove or reduce stress on the nervous system, which is essential forg a functioning body.

A good chiro will be able to evaluate your situation and provide a safe, effective treatment plan that will help you overcome your condition and feel better. They are highly trained, educated, and experienced medical care providers.



Back To Mind West Palm Beach

Our team of chiropractors is trusted by the local community for providing the highest quality chiropractic care