Five Healing Plants You’ll Want to Add to Your Garden

Backyard Garden Chronicles
3 min readJul 6, 2024
Photo by Author

Today, we’re diving into the world of healing plants that make your garden look fantastic and pack a punch when it comes to natural remedies. Get ready to add some serious healing vibes to your green space with these five must-have plants.

1. Lemon Balm

Photo by Victor Serban on Unsplash

Properties: Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
Benefits: This mint family superstar is your garden’s secret weapon. Lemon balm is all about calm vibes and good health. Need better digestion? Got PMS symptoms? Struggling to get some shut-eye? Lemon balm’s got your back. Its fresh, citrusy aroma is a bonus that’ll make your garden smell amazing.

Beware, do NOT plant this in the ground. Make sure you put lemon balm in a pot or container. It WILL take over your garden! That goes for any plant in the mint family.

Picture this: You’re out in your garden, plucking some lemon balm leaves to brew a calming tea. The day’s stress melts away as you sip on this fragrant infusion. Lemon balm is not just a plant; it’s a little green miracle.

2. Chamomile

