Colombia and France According to Hofstede Insights

Today we’ll explore the French and Colombian culture guided by the Dutch Geert Hofstede.

Geert Hofstede Passed away at ninety-one on February 12, 2020.

On the Hofstede Insights website, they explain that Geert Hofstede’s articles have been published in social science and management journals around the world.

He is recognized internationally for having developed the first empirical model of “dimensions“ of national culture, thus establishing a new paradigm for taking account of cultural elements in international economics, communication, and cooperation. Later, he also developed a model for organizational cultures.

The indicator that most surprised me was Power Distance because I did not think that social inequality in France was almost at the same level as in Colombia. Maybe I thought about it because of the economic realities of each country.

On the other hand, I was surprised by the low score that Colombia has in individualism. I assumed that in Colombia the current law was “save yourself who can”.

Researching about French culture, into the Hofstede’s Model, arrowed me results about Power Distance 68%, Individualism 71%, Masculinity 43%, Uncertainty avoidance 86%, Long Term Orientation 63%, and Indulgence 48%.

Researching about Colombian culture, into the Hofstede’s Model, arrowed me results about Power Distance 67%, Individualism 13%, Masculinity 64%, Uncertainty avoidance 80%, Long Term Orientation 13% and Indulgence 83%.

This is all for today, thank you for reading this article and see you in the next post!



Douglas Badel and the French Culture

This is a blog for my English class ¿Do you know something about the french culture? Me neither, so lets find out!