Africlips provides high quality, authentic and affordable african stock videos

badex interactive solutions
2 min readOct 25, 2016


Say hello to Africlips is an online marketplace for original, high quality, affordable and uniquely african stock videos. it’s a marketplace for african video creatives to license and sell B-rolls and short clips. Africlips was created by the brilliant folks at badex interactive solutions to cater to a demand in the african media marke for authentic african stock footage

This online repository/marketplace was created because we strongly believe that there’s a market and demand for video asset in Africa’s ever growing media space.

Stock media that serves africans are still rare, expensive and often mis-represented

In Africa’s growing digital media space, there’s a distinct lack of B-rolls, clips of popular landmarks, vintage clips etc. Being a continent thats hardly acknowledged globally, the few african stock media on western sites are often mis-represented and expensive! No one knows Africa better than africans.

With the increasing democratization of filmmaking tools, the barrier for entry into storytelling is getting lower and more affordable. Africans are seizing this opportunity and telling their own stories. From television series to documentaries, movies and music videos, africans are increasingly telling their own stories.

Leveraging on this increasing rise in african visual story tellers, Africlips is out to build a repository where african video creatives can sell their high quality and authentic short clips and b-rolls at affordable prices. Africlips repository is going to further enhance quality african storytelling like never before

Authentic and affordable African stock videos like never before

authentic and affordable

Africlips has three main benefits:

Authentic stock videos — Authentic library of quality african stock footage. All created strictly by african based creatives.

Affordable — Most of the clips range from as low as N5000 ($15) to 20,000 ($67).

Supplementary income for african creatives — creatives will be greatly encouraged with the revenue sharing. Creatives get to keep the bulk of the profit (60%) from the sale of individual clips. a great deal!

A new dawn

we have been incredibly fortunate to have a great team at badex interactive solutions led by our lead developer, Taiwo badejo. This journey is just starting and we will appreciate all feedback and recommendations for improvement.



badex interactive solutions

We are a multidisciplinary design company with core strengths in creating interactive content and making beautiful videos