How To Prevent Hospital Badges From Fake Editing

3 min readAug 4, 2023


Hospital badges are commonly used as an access card to get employee parking. ID badges can come in use to get easy access under secured entrances. Sometimes they have a specific color code that helps the security personnel quickly identify whether the person has permission to enter a certain hospital zone.

Besides the advantage of easy recognition, using a nurse badge provides the patient with an opportunity to report to the healthcare professional in case they have a terrible experience. This is because the nurse badge already has information about their name as well as designation, which further keep the healthcare professionals on alert regarding their accountability and behavior.

Ways to Prevent the Use of Fake ID Badges

Improving hospital security with the use of personalized name badges is a smart move. Badgebuddies®.com cuts down the major problem of fake hospital badge usage by producing custom ID badges. These badges help maintain authenticity and improve hospital security, reducing the stress of stealing or loss.

If you are in search of ways to reduce the high loss or theft in the hospital, it is better to consider using prominent security features on the hospital badge.

While doing this is going to prove worthwhile, more so when it is well-known that ID badge replication is very much easier. Fraudsters and criminals can entirely converse with the ID card by watching some YouTube tutorial videos.

Once they are successful in manufacturing them, they can use these counterfeit badges to enter the unauthorized building. This is dangerous as nobody can know what the intentions are of the criminals. Do they want to steal data or equipment or harm the hospital’s reputation?
However, the good thing is the availability of security features that can prevent counterfeiting or tampering with the hospital. Custom ID badges can protect the staff, patients, and the hospital from criminals.

Organization information:

● The name and the hospital logo should be present on the nurse ID badges in bigger font sizes. This technique ensures better recognition of counterfeit IDs.

● There should be a mention of the contact details and Email address of the clinic or hospital after the name of the organization.

Personal information:

● The nurse’s name should be present on the custom ID cards. The font size should be readable without any difficulty. For a generic template, leave a blank space that can be filled as per requirement.

● A photo is an important addition to the name badge for nurses. The photo should generally be in passport size unless otherwise specified by state law. Also, choose a current and clear photo as it helps in visual identification.

● The custom ID can also include other basic information like age, gender, and identification mark.
Job description:

● This part is ideal for incorporating job descriptions to facilitate the doctors, patients, and security staff who have control over sensitive area movements such as laboratories and record rooms.

Formal information:

● The date of issue and expiry of the ID badge should be there right after the job description to ensure the personnel is a current or old employee.

● Employee signature and a QR code or barcode is a special addition with which the nurse can only enable access to various areas of the hospital.

Besides, the use of lamination or hologram makes it quite difficult for the criminal to tamper or replicate the protected data written on the ID badges. Badgebuddies®.com offers the most protected form of healthcare professional ID badges and other tips to prevent fake edits of the hospital badge.




Badge Buddies is the internet’s leading provider of custom badge buddies and badge accessories for the medical and educational fields. Visit us now!