What is the Future of Custom ID Cards in the Healthcare Sector?

3 min readJun 25, 2024


An ID badge is simply a proof of a person’s identity. From driver’s licenses to passports, there are different types of identity cards. However, healthcare professionals also should wear ID cards while working in the clinics. Doctors, nurses, and other medical staff have to wear photo IDs attached to a lanyard.

The primary purpose of having custom-designed custom ID cards is-

· To develop a sense of community

· To maintain professionalism

· To ensure security

· To develop loyalty

But, what is the future of custom ID cards? With technological innovations, identity cards will become more advanced.

Digital ID Cards

Digital versions of the identity cards are the electronic equivalent of your traditional ID. Some virtual IDs can be stored in your electronic gadgets. The digital identity cards let you avoid impersonation because there is UV ink inside the cards. The modern trend in digital identity has shown a shift towards innovative biometric scanners.

Radio Frequency Identification

The future medical badge will be equipped with RFID technology. This latest technology works on electromagnetic fields for automatic identification and tracking of tags secured to the card. RFID tags secured to ID cards have a unique identifier and other personal information. The delivery of the signal from an RFID reader causes a tag to interact with data. So, it will allow contactless and quick identification.

RFID technology will also make the access control system more secure. It ensures that only authorized personnel will have access to sensitive areas.

More SECURITY Features in the Future ID Cards

Special layers with holographic laminate- Modern ID cards will have a holographic laminate to add a visual security layer. The custom ID cards with holographic laminate will help you decipher their validity. It is not easy to replicate the laminated cards. Moreover, as the laminate design is customizable, it is an added advantage.

Barcodes and Magnetic Stripes

The ID badges for your medical staff will be embedded with technologies like magnetic stripes and barcodes. They will keep your premises and buildings secure. Access to particular areas will be restricted for those who have no authentic cards.

Magnetic stripes help you designate various security clearance levels for cardholders. Furthermore, barcodes are essential to ensure the legitimacy of your cards.

Biometric Technology

Biometric data is another potential security feature for ID cards in the future. Photo identity cards can minimize security threats, but images can be modified. With digital signatures and fingerprints, the cards cannot be altered. You can also ensure the genuineness of the card wearer.

IoT Integration

You might have experienced IoT technology on different devices. However, the custom-designed ID badges in the future will act as the IoT device. They will hold different personal details of the wearer. These ID cards will interact with IoT gadgets for authentication.

If you want to buy custom lanyards and medical badges, visit BadgeBuddies®.com. Purchase cards and lanyards in bulk to make a cost-effective deal. Send the customization details to the team to design your badges.




Badge Buddies is the internet’s leading provider of custom badge buddies and badge accessories for the medical and educational fields. Visit us now!