Why Should Students Wear Custom Identification Badges?

3 min readJan 28, 2022


Identifications badges in any workspace or institution have been there since time immemorial. Originally, it was started, as the name suggests, to restrict unwanted people from entering official premises. But, it has importance has reduced over time. So why is it important to bring back these batches more so for students? Let us check out some reasons:

1. Restrict Unwanted Visitors

It is easy to filter out genuine students or faculty from any possible intruders or dangerous individuals when each one is assigned an ID or student badge.

2. Scan and Purchase Lunch

Unlike paper money, your lunch points or online balance can only be used at the cafeteria by swiping the card. The earlier out-of-school adventures done are now reduced the relaxing parents a bit.

Besides, it is also easier for students from lower-income groups. Since swiping won’t reveal the income group each person is in.

3. Safety

The basic need for badges is to identify people entering restricted spaces. ID batches enable a person, especially new personnel, to identify existing students.

4. Badges Can Double as ID Cards

Due to this, books and library members can be tracked easily. You can even track popular titles and references. The library can later stock up on those. You can easily order custom badges online.

5. You Can Make Use of ID Badges as Virtual Entry Passes

Instead of distributing free ones, they can simply swipe their badge to register their attendance. Academic lectures or music and sports events can be tracked using these badges.

6. Cost-Effective When Bought in Bulk

Besides, you will also need to hire a team to keep an eye on the cameras. The cost of cameras plus the surveillance team can get pretty expensive. You can get custom badge makers to make Identification Badges instead. They are cost-effective when bought in bulk.

7. Track Which Student Has Entered Which Building

Every time a student has to enter a building he has no access to, he has to call on a teacher. ID badges can eliminate that need. With these badges, you can easily track which student has entered which building. You can even keep track of their hours. It is also highly effective in tracking truant students.

8. One Can Track Attendances in Classrooms

Now, teachers no longer have to spend time on roll calls. When a student swipes his card at the swipe machine affixed on the classroom door, his attendance can be recorded. This will help track students who are absent or who played hooky that day.

9. If a tracking chip was to be custom-installed in these badges, we would be able to track student movement too after school hours. This is a plus point in terms of safety too. The student’s whereabouts can be tracked in case something untoward happens.

Having ID badges in places, be it schools or colleges, have many such positives involved. They are especially great when it comes to tracking student activity and safety within the premises. It is therefore highly recommended that more academic institutions adopt identification badges for their students. For further information about ordering custom badges online for your school or college, do visit BadgeBuddies.




Badge Buddies is the internet’s leading provider of custom badge buddies and badge accessories for the medical and educational fields. Visit us now!