Host Addressables with the Google Cloud

Badger Dox
4 min readDec 2, 2019


Part 1 of 3: Create and set up Google Cloud Services for use with Unity3d

Part 2 | Part 3

The power to remotely host a project’s content is akin to wizardry. Once you’ve completed the three sections of this tutorial series, Unity3d will gain the ability to automatically free up space previously occupied by your assets! Additional immediate benefits are faster testing, build and loading times for your games. Just a few of the main advantages to hosting your content wtih Google Cloud.

This guide is notated with straightforward step-by-step guidance, the tutorial is structured to be pain-free. In order to concentrate this portion, I’m going to skip over how to create a Google Cloud account as well as basic addressable information. If you are looking for additional assistance, go ahead and reach out through Discord 👌.

Focus is aimed at deconstructing and simplifying the general process. Below is an overview of the functions to be handled:

  • Set up Google Cloud storage
  • Update Addressable Asset Settings to build and upload remotely
  • Build the updated Addressable Assets data
  • Add the built Addressables data into Google Cloud Storage
  • Code to load and create remotely hosted content
  • Build-in Unity and successfully open a test device

Starting, go to You can either log in or create a new account. To the left of your account picture click on the blue Console link.

In your console direct your eyes at the blue header. To the right of the words, Google Cloud Platform will be a drop-down menu. It might be called My First Project or Select A Project it doesn’t mater, select the drop-down and click the folder with a picture of a gear. To create a new project. Name it, I called mine BadgerdoxAddressables.

When Google has finished creating the project, make sure it is showing active within the blue header, on the drop-down we previously used. If it isn’t, use the drop-down and select it. Then, click the three bars on the top left-hand corner and scroll all the way down to the word Storage and click it.

Create a bucket by clicking the blue button. Give this a unique name, for example I set mine to badgerdox_addressables . When your name has been accepted by Google do not press continue. Instead, look for the Choose how to control access to objects. For the purpose of this tutorial choose Uniform and hit create.

Easy is as easy does, your almost done…. with this section!

With your Google cloud bucket setup, we can copy grab the information Unity needs to connect to it. In the buckets window, click on Overview and make sure you have something open to paste a link into for later use. Now on the Overview tab scroll down to the bottom and copy your Link for gsutil.

Did you find this post to be helpful? Consider share it wherever you think it wold help.Anything unclear? Leave a comment or join us on Discord and I’ll respond as thoroughly as possible.

