Cool Compilation of 1980s American Video Game TV Ads

Dan Thornton
Disposable Media
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2018

Video games have come a long way since the 1980s. And so have the adverts promoting them. This great one hour collection shows exactly how far, with a selection of commercials that mainly aired in America. So obviously the likes of the Atari 2600 and Intellivision feature, along with the Commodore 64, and Texas Instruments. So sit back and enjoy this cool compilation of 1980s American video game TV ads

Cool Compilation of 1980s American Video Game TV Ads

Even younger gamers will recognise some of the familiar names of developers like Activision. And the ads themselves aren’t that much worse than for other products during the decade. Although some of the celebrity choices might not have aged well. But it’s still a very cool trip down memory lane. You can spot various titles including Breakout, Pitfall,River Raid, Chopper Command and many more, including a fair number of somewhat obscure games.

The cool compilation of 1980s American video game TV ads has apparently been taken from a DVD which itself collected old VHS recordings. So it’s got an authentic flicker and tracking issues. And we can’t take responsibility for any migraines which might ensue. It’s just how the world looked back then.

Originally published at Disposable Media.



Dan Thornton
Disposable Media

Founder @thewayoftheweb - content, marketing and technology. Also writes, blogs, loves motorcycles, eats steak tacos and reads a lot